my college Young Mercy organized a carnival last Saturday.
i went as a volunteer to take basic medical check up.
we took BMI, blood pressure and blood glucose test.
there were quite a few people came for medical check up.
we charge RM 2 for BMI and Blood Pressure test.
RM 5 for BMI, Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose test.
all the money will go to charity.
i don't know why u look so slim in the photo... hahahaha...
we can met all kinds of people there.
one of the man want to had the test and he was going to hop onto the weight measurement.
then one of my junior says please register at the counter.
when i was going to register for him and i explain that there were 3 test and cost RM 5 but the money will go to charity.
he was like saw a ghost standing right behind me and he ran off so quickly.
like totally disappear right in front my sight.
what an ass! and kurang ajar(no manners)!
well, actually it was quite bored.
there were Jogathon but not much people take part.
maybe around 200 people.
ah Y and Loh took part in the Jogathon but too bad they didn't won any prize.
not even top 10. haha...
mei and amanda volunteer to sell food for charity.
they were in the pharmacy group.
my friend--Gaya ask me why the pharmacy student always sell food.
erm.... i don't know as well... haha
mei also look slim in this photo... hahaha
after that mei, amanda and ah Y had blood donation.
he says wanna put this picture in facebook.
amanda... smile please
yeah... this's nice.
ah Y blood. copyrighted ©
basically that's it.
i went back in the afternoon around 1pm.
honestly i don't think it's a successful carnival.
there were too few people there and not crowded and fun enough......
but together with friends and having fun around with them, that was fun.