Lack of update lately. Mainly due to no internet connection in Terendak camp, secondly is due to my busy and hectic schedule in clinical years. Had a long weekend break but I wasted my Friday to work part time in Clinique. Then I was so regretted whole day there, so I decided to not work on Saturday and Sunday.
In Terendak Hospital was fun! The doctors there are so good, compared to those in Putrajaya. They really treat us like student and not HOs or MOs. The most important thing is, in Terendak Hospital, there aren't any Hos or Mos!!! haha! We are like the doctors there and no need to see those people faces like in Putrajaya. Some of the nurses there were helpful as well.
Do. Rosman and Dr. Ali are the doctors there. Dr. Rosman was kinda hot and he is chinese looking. When we saw him for the first time, I thought he was chinese, until he greet us in Islamic way wtf. He is quite funny as well. Dr. Ali is very very funny. He is not kiasu type unlike Dr. Rosman. So happy go lucky and during his class, it's fun and enjoying.
We actually act like a HO in hospital. Every morning we have to clerk the patient and give updates and progression to the doctor as we go for ward rounds. Some time we feel pity to both of the doctors cause they have to take history and do physical examination themselves unlike in HPJ there is HO and MO which had done the job.
On Tuesday, we have class in Putra Hospital. Not Putrajaya but Putra. The Melaka Southan hospital which later change its name to Putra Hospital. Dr Nor Izham, which is a cardiologist is teaching us once a week. So that day I drove my groupmate there as they are not familiar with the place. We hand lunch at mamak stall near Hang Tuah street. There is a disable boy selling tissue there. He is not only disable but also mentally retarded I think. No other words than retarded? sound so rude! And so we saw he is walking towards us, he was selling tissue and was saying Rm1 for 1 pack of tissue. Even though it's quite expensive, but we still bought it. He is much more better than those who are asking for money than really work hard to earn money. He is pity, but I doubt he want people to feel pity towards him.
After lunch we went to Putra hospital and Dr Izham bring us to a patient, as us to take his history and examine him. He had stroke few days ago and his signs and symptoms are obvious, but he is recovering as well. After that we have to present to Dr Izham and he will correct us if we were wrong. Then we encounter another patient in his clinic. She is a chinese lady who came to get medicine. Dr Izham out of sudden ask us to go into his clinic and ask us to examine this chinese lady. When his chest wall is exposed, the heart beat is so obvious. We can see the heart hitting the wall. When palpate 4 ares, there is apex beat, parasternal heave and palpable aortic and pulmunary area. When auscultate, there is mixture of murmur, S1 and S2 heart sound and it was so loud. This chinese lady has ventricular septal defect (VSD), probably for a very long time but didn't seek and treatment. But she still can live a very healthy normal life until recently she feel uncomfortable so she is seeking medical help. How often we can see a real life case of this? Even though VSD is very common, most of them will get surgical treatment when they were small, or after born, depends on the defect itself. I feel so lucky to have the chance to see and experience it.
At night, I join Jac and her group for Mid-Autumn celebration. We light lantern and also share a piece of mooncake among 10 people I guess.

There was a very funny incident when we had ward round on either Wednesday or Thursday. A patient had a crush on Dr Rosman! We were doing ward round in the female ward and there was this patient with right side eye defect. Dr Rosman was asking the patient to look his finger and follow the movement of the finger. In the same time we are suppose to hold the patient's chin so that she will not move around by turning her head. But when Dr Rosman want to hold her chin, she keep avoiding. Until Dr Rosman tell her: let me hold your chin. But the patient was soooo shy and she put down her head. It was so obvious and she say she is shy. My room mate clerk the patient and she told me the day before, the female patient say that Dr Rosman is handsome. hahahaha... and she actually only few years older than Dr Rosman but he call her Mak Cik!!! wtf!!! Of course it's because he didn't realize the age difference and he actually look a lot younger than his age. But still!!! This let me learn that don't simply call people uncle or aunty. It will be better if address people as Miss or Mr.
On Wednesday night we went out for dinner and also birthday celebration for Ehsan. We were actually split into 2 sub group in Terendak and most of them are from group B. My group was boring. I have to say that. When we already plan to go for dinner in Melaka town, I am the only girl from group A as the other 3 of them aren't joining. It was so disappointing. Why can't we go out as a group? Well, no comment. But I had fun with another group and guys from my group. The asam pedas claypot was awesome! Totally worth it as we don't know the way and was wrongly guided by Syue's friend. At last when we found it, it was around 8pm and all of us are starving! I feel hungry now when think about it. Should bring my friend there and try it one day. I actually pass by that area so many times but we never bother to go and try the food there. The stall is open by a chinese-muslim. He is so chinese look and we were all discussing about him after dinner. Cause he speak fluent Malay!!! and he understand chinese when a chinese customer talk to him in chinese. All of us get curious and test him. As in order plain water in chinese and my friend talk to him in chinese. At last all of us can't stand it anymore and Ehsan ask him if he is chinese or malay. Hahahahahaha... totally hilarious! He say he is chinese and has a 11 years old son. ok fine! haha...
Bought a cake along the way back from dinner when we suddenly realize nobody actually help Ehsan pay his dinner bill. Guys are so useless!! So we gave him a birthday surprise! He was in toilet when we were at his room. -____-!!!! All of us really enjoy so much!