as i grow older, i don't have the urge to celebrate birthday anymore. its just like another day. nothing really special. so, next time when the kids are still young, fulfill whatever their wish on how to celebrate birthday.
thanks to jeslyn and jl to give me birthday surprise. my birthday was on friday and i was in KL, only travel back on the evening. jeslyn and jl suddenly show up around 9pm, where i never thought they would be. birthday surprise suppose to be at the midnight, the moment before your birthday and the moment before your birthday end. they really surprise me! you can see i am still wearing home cloth.

thanks jeslyn for the present! i really love it. first, it is a handmade card. it was very special and we both saw it at jonker before this and we really love the creativity. she also gave me Lancome blush!!

my family and i had my birthday dinner at Fat Lee, a restaurant in Melaka. I am craving for the cili padi cream crab. a little disappointed as the place had renovation and i think they had a new management. now its more like entertainment place rather than restaurant. there were singer singing on stage and i don't really like it. yet, the crab is still awesome!!

lastly, had my dinner on another day with Likthing. she specially booked the dinner with me. we were at KL so we meet at Lot 10. Glad to have dinner with her, cause we basically just forget everything when we meet. she was sick during that time but she feel better after meeting me. i was very busy in the ward for my new posting yet i forget all the tiredness after meeting her.

simple. yet full with love.