I am so satisfied with my work!
I can't imagine I can take such a good photo with manual SLR and the outcome is nice...
This photo has nostalgia feel.
I took this photo when I was waiting my sister to buy char kuew tiao.
I saw this little boy helping out his grandmother to wash dishes...
He was opening the tap and let the water run to fill up the basin, then he sit on little chair and help out.
Everyone's life is different, some kids born in rich and get what they want, some kids just have to help up their family in young age.
This waterlily was taken from my house.
Whenever I saw waterlily I'll think of my mom who like waterlily so much!
Another flower in my garden.
This flower just have lots of memory.
It was everywhere when I was young...
This is call cili padi (little chili)
It is planted in my house garden.
Although it is very little but it is very spicy.
Once there were so many cili padi in your garden we even took it to market and sell to the seller.
I remember it was 1kg for RM 5.
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