this post is kinda late, but late is better than never!
last year, 2011, has been such a great year for me.JANUARY
Late for my class for the very first day. Thought that it will be a bad day since i'm having a bad start... but somehow, i passed my NS block!! which i worried the most!
Late for my class for the very first day. Thought that it will be a bad day since i'm having a bad start... but somehow, i passed my NS block!! which i worried the most!
Celebrate cny but wasn't a good cny afterall. My uncle was diagnosed with end-stage cancer. but miracle happens. the tumor was able to be suppress and maintain in stable stage.
Celebrate cny but wasn't a good cny afterall. My uncle was diagnosed with end-stage cancer. but miracle happens. the tumor was able to be suppress and maintain in stable stage.
Celebrate Likthing farewell before she go to USA. We had dinner at Portuguese settlement and had a lot of fun.
WENT TO JAY CHOU CONCERT!!!!!! happiest thing in last year!
jealyn, ky, jl, lp, li and me, 6 of us booked and stay in Palace of Golden Horses! had a really wonderful time this the girls!!

Was so into lomo and bought my lomo Smena 8M camera. Went to The*Click*Shop for their first workshop! what a april fool of me cause i went there myself, alone!

April is so wonderful!! other than this, I also went to Hot Air Balloon festival!!! which i wanted to go so much! I also went on 2010 but wasn't so happy with the photo i shoot. so i ask my vietnamese friend to go with me. we went there so early in the morning and i also shoot it with my lomo camera. soooo happy with the result!
with smena 8m
you may visit my Flickr for more photo from Smena 8M lomo camera
On a road trip with Zy, Fern and Mei before their graduation! Went up to Sitiawan, then Cameron Highland and then KL. We have such a great time in Cameron Highland. Definitely one of my best memory there. with the cold weather and also a great place to stay. so enjoying until we forget where we were.
p/s: for more photos please visit my Flickr.
daringly bought the highest pump that i've ever had!

May doesn't just end like that. right before ending of the month, i get to know that i have won Jolin concert tickets. wow!!! unbelievable!!! i don't believe it at first when they phone me. i thought it was a scam or something. later, they ask me to collect the ticket and was confirm via my email. i take part in the contest randomly and doesn't even hope for it!

Had my 2nd pro exam in this month! nervous and had phobia of exam, pre exam syndrom etc etc. but i just do my best. during 1 of a station in OSCE exam, Mr. AAA told me this: i want to see you in clinical year! which make me very happy and really motivated me!
Work part time in Clarins. it's a coincident as well. i was having my holiday after pro exam and then my mom's friend searching a part timer to be a part time beauty adviser. So i went for interview and agree to work for a month! So happy to work there for a month. get to know many great people there. They always praise me as if i was the cleverest people there because i study medicine.
Finally! Passed my pro exam! and smoothly go into 3rd year. had oath taking ceremony and start my posting!
first posting--internal medicine. which senior say it's a good start cause i got the right posting first.
somehow it was quite stressful when go into clinical year. we able to see the 'real' cases and get in touch with the patient. people say doctor is a people to heal. but when we see the patient in pain and we are unable to do anything, i started to doubt if we are really doing so. getting use to it when i am in 3rd posting now!
went to KLCC with my friend for book fest 2011 to see Dr George Lee. bought his first book last year by help of a friend and now i am going to buy this second book and meet him in person! it was a great experience to meet him and interact with him.

other than that, i was enjoying my posting very much! had mooncake festival celebration with ex classmate and also outings with my groupmates

bbq with my melaka friends!

Bad new during this month. My neighbour had pass away, left 3 of her children and her husband, before they are able to moved to a newly build house. it's saddening but this is life, which always will have separation.
Wedding month!! of course not. it's my best friend's wedding!!! she told us about her wedding 1 year ago and had booked me to be at her wedding. but unfortunately, i was having my posting in manjung. however, i decided to go back melaka without letting my parent know about it. and i have to stay over in likthing house which somehow make our relationship become closer.

Went to mei's graduation and had a great time with her during the weekends. before i go up to kl, since my family had went to Hanoi the day before i took off, had an awesome outings with my girlfriends in melaka! went to Overtime for the very first time and had some light alcohol! spend a lonely lonely christmas which make me decided to get a crazy new year eve with my friends in melaka and nearly become a alcoholic! hahaha... just kidding!!!


have a great year ahead!!! --2012--
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