After my semester 8 exam and OSCE which was 2 weeks ago, I drove back Melaka on Thursday as I decided to become a PACABA. I made the decision at the very last minutes. It was my exam week and I know I am not able to register and go to the PACABA class. So I keep reject all the invitation to volunteer to become a PACABA.
Can't really concentrate in my study for that few weeks because politic is a heat! Yet I am stuck in my room to study. Sometimes I will watch Live from I am dying to become part of this historical event! Finally I decided to register as a PACABA. Really thanks to Dr. Wong who help me a lot.

The last class will be on Thursday so I have to rush back Melaka right after my exam. I had a shock after the class actually, because PACABA is such a big responsible. I don't know which agent I would be, either Polling agent, Counting agent or Barung Agent. So the class included everything. I kinda have cultural shock.

On Friday, I get to know my shift. My shift is from 7-11 am and I was Poling agent. I was assign to Ping Ming school under Kota Laksamana. Luckily everything went smoothly during my shift. The KTM (Ketua Tempat Mengundi) and the 4 SPR clerks were quite fair. Actually the 4 SPR were not very experience as they were only briefed by the KTM right before the election started. So deeply I believe they will be fair and will not cheat or do something that not suppose to do.

Right after my shift, I went back home to vote. My voting area is just right in front of my house, less than 30 steps! I was quite nervous but since I already know the procedure from being a polling agent, so everything went smoothly. The thing that I was not satisfied is organizer. Quite a chaos as there is lines queue up for taking the 'saluran no.', and lines for voting. Not well organize at all!

And! The indelible ink is totally ink-delible! Proven by my mother then she using some clorox for cleaning and found out the ink just gone so easily, not even wash it with effort!

Honestly, I am very proud of myself. I wanted to be part of this history. But what we hoped and wish for change did not happened due to fraud, obviously! You just can't imagine how nervous is the feeling for sitting in front of laptop and keep click 'refresh' button. Our generation do not relay on TV anymore yet SPR result is the official one. No matter what we read from the internet, with just a blackout, the result can change anytime as they wish!
I don't know since when I am so into politics. I think, this is more than politics. It's just something that happened in our life. We must know what's going on since we are staying in this country. We hope for a better future, for ourselves and for next generation.
Change does not happened in a day, it takes time. This time can't happen, we will wait for next time!
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