A breathtaking scene before landing in Jakarta Airport!

Well, Jakarta is a damn boring place. Only for shopping and their things aren't cheap at all! Need to bargain and the price we get the most is about the price we get in Timesquare, or even higher than that.
The hotel we stayed was very comfortable. They even have free Wifi in every floor! Unlike here we have to pay for the Wifi.

Our first night dinner. Bought by the Doctor, Dr Patricia, at Indonesia working under MMC. She brought us to this famous seafood restaurant, where we can choose the food we wanted, live and fresh, only then we are served with this. 3 different types of cooking for the crabs, tonnes of prawns and shells seafood! Major love!

The second day, followed my mom to her business function. Have nothing to do at all! After the function, we just went back to hotel and get some rest.

Then we become adventuress. We tried to discover the place. Went to a mall for shopping. Search for food. How funny we have our dinner at a stall nearby, which is chinese food. I wanted to find their traditional food/local food over there, but I saw this stall so we ate there.
After that we just go back room and rest, because the mall only open until 8pm -_-!!!

3rd day morning is our shopping day. It was raining and place was flooded around my area. We went to Mangga Dua Square I guess. When the people there know you are tourist, they slash up the price even more than double up the price. I guess I am hell of a good bargain. I don't know where I learn my skill from. Definitely not from my mom.

How to bargain? When they give you a price, your bargain should start from half of the price, or lower. I am not kidding. I bargain and I get half of the price the seller first gave me. A big headache shopping in Indonesia, especially due to their currency! Roughly around RM1=3000rupiah
So I finally had the one I wanted, Ayam Penyet! A very famous local food! Well, the taste is almost the same over here in Malaysia. Only that the chilli is superb! Super duper spicy but feel damn good after eating it. When it first go into my mouth, the spiciness actually caused me numbness in the brain, like brain numb. But it don't stopped me from having more.

At night for dinner, Dr Patricia brought us to another restaurant famous for satay. First shop wasn't open, so she brought us to another place. I love the environment there! I love the food more! All famous traditional and local food.

Avocado juice!!! Seriously my favorite! The fruit juice there very pure. They don't add any extra water. This avocado juice is soooo thick! I miss the one I had in Vietnam. Almost the same but I think Vietnam one nicer cause they add in milk.

Last night in Jakarta, we had a photo with Dr Patricia and her son, Gareth. He is totally a gentlemen. On first night upon arrival, we straight headed for dinner at the restaurant together with our luggage. He offered to help us carry even thought he is only 11 years old! And every time we want to get up or get down a car, he will open the car door for us! Such a gentlemen in his age. I think most probable because he studied in international school.

Last day-back to Malaysia

One last thing that really pissed me off before I came back Malaysia. We called a taxi from hotel to airport. My mom was trying to spent all the small change of rupiah currency. The taxi fare was 75400 Rupiah. I gave him 100400 since I don't have change anymore. I expect him to give me 25000 rupiah back. Then he just say 'Terima Kasih'. I was like: where is the change? Then he act stupid and say 'Terima Kasih' again. For a second I really feel like whack him. During the journey, I kinda feel pity for him because he says how hard earning a living in Jakarta bla bla bla. I was thinking should I give him the change as his tips. Well, if that was my money I am fine. I was asking my mom did she wants back the change or give him. My mom was quite blurred. But that was my mom hard earn money. My mom will even save up 20 cents if she can. SO I asked him back for change. He gave me 20000 rupiah at last when we taking our luggage and we were in hurry so I just lazy to ask back the 5000.
25000 rupiah maybe small for us but my sympathy for him totally gone when he don't even want to give me back the change. Maybe I'll say keep the change if he return the money for me. But I just fired up when he pretend and act stupid. My mom don't order drink when she hard lunch just to save RM 1. I just can't leave it. Unless that was my hard earn money, maybe I don't mind.
So to those who want to go Indonesia, spare some small change for the taxi ride. Don't spent all the small change like my mom. If you want to give tips to them, that's totally up to you. Beware of the taxi you took. Good reputation will be 'Blue Bird' or 'White Horse', told by the local there. But the one I took was 'Blue Bird'! I can't imagine the charges and attitude if I took any other taxi.

Food at the airport is just so blaaa...

Jakarta trip was OK due to the food and Dr Patricia who so willing to spent her time with us, bring us around and with good food. She is a aesthetic in Jakarta. A very big difference between the rich and the poor. The rich will have 3-4 maids at home. 1 for cleaning the house, 1 for cooking, 1 for washing the cloths, drives etc. If you have a newborn, you can hire nurses. YES! Nurses! You can hired how many nurses you want for your 1 baby. Dr Pat says she got 2 nurse for her kid when they were born. She has 3 maids at home! 2 drivers!!! Their pay is much more cheaper than here. After conversion, house maid only cost around RM 200 a month!
Some times, feeling pity for the poor is just a waste of our time. They just love their living standard now, so why bother to feel pity for them.

I love the blue sky, that's why I like taking flight.
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