This has been a very late a blog about MIVVA blog. Usually I'll blog once I received it and be the spoiler. Not for this month. I still love MIVVA box as always and still subscribing it. Sometimes I do feel like trying other beauty box/bag but I have more confident in MIVVA box.

MIVVA box has never disappointed me once. I have been continuously subscribe it every month since February. Can't believe I have subscribed for freaking 6 months! Hopefully MIVVA will keep getting better.

Smell so flowery when open the beauty box!

All the brochure and voucher given to us!

Product description and pricing

Kinda got a shock when I saw this! haha... and I don't dare to eat the cookie at all I don't know why.

The flowery smell is all from this little packet of flora scent freshener.

I am quite happy to try this eye drops. I have been wearing contact lens and sometimes I have dry eye issue. This helps my eyes stay moisture at least 1-2 hours.

I am quite lucky to get this hand and body lotion. There are 3 different types of Di Palomo Orange Blossom range, other than the one i get, they also have moisturizing body wash and hand and nail cream randomly put into MIVVA box.

I definitely love this. Wanted to try Tsubaki but do not have the courage to bought it. Now I have a sample size for both shampoo and conditioner to try!

Honestly I haven't heard of this brand before. Gonna try it sook after I use the Dermedex!

What?! Dermedex?!! YES!!! MIVVA box gave a challenge pack that consist of cleanser and refining cream for us to try!!! I wanted to try this so much too! But due to the price, I was quite hold back. Going to try this out tomorrow!

That's all for this month's MIVVA box! Today is already the 30th of August! Can't wait for September!!! My favorite month of all!!!
If you want to subscribe a box for yourself or your bff
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