P driving license had followed me for 2 years; today is the last day of my driving probation.
My birth date is on September, after my SPM I went for holidays, then after that I was in the third series and second badge of National Service, until finished my National Service only I took my driving license.
I am very lucky as I passed my driving exam during the first time, and also it’s all by my self.( I didn’t bribe the examiner!)
The day I had my driving license was 29/06/06. Two years later would be 28/06/07.
At last I could take down the P sticker on my after today. Hohoho…
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Ms.Lai在前两个月被调去总部管理幼儿园,当时我们Malim的得知消息时也有点惊讶。然后Malim那里就换了新的副院长。那个副院长是没有经验 的,之前她的工作是个室内设计师,她根本就没有本事管理一间幼儿园,连去巴刹买菜也像要她的命,一个月后她就辞去那分工了。当时我们的幼儿园就好像发生内 部纷乱,没有了主管哪会不乱啊?
我真得没想到当幼教也会有那么过的是是非非,还有小人会陷害你。当幼教还以为只是和小孩相处,却没有先到同事之间也会有人想要陷害你。很庆幸的,这一次我 竟然可以避免被针对。当和一班很单纯的小孩相处时,人性邪恶的思想和丑陋的一面更突出。原来成人的世界里试那么地复杂的。
Ms.Lai上个星期打电话给我,问我是否可以到总部去帮忙她。原本我是拒绝了她的,因为我剩下一个月的工作时间,七月中我就打算辞职了。而且到新的地方 又要适应新的环境。我在Malim那里都教得好好的,每天还可以看到我亲爱的学生。可是Ms.Lai在过两天后又打电话给我拜托我,她问了两次,我真得很 不好意思要拒绝她。所以我还是到总部去帮忙了。
Ms.Lai在前两个月被调去总部管理幼儿园,当时我们Malim的得知消息时也有点惊讶。然后Malim那里就换了新的副院长。那个副院长是没有经验 的,之前她的工作是个室内设计师,她根本就没有本事管理一间幼儿园,连去巴刹买菜也像要她的命,一个月后她就辞去那分工了。当时我们的幼儿园就好像发生内 部纷乱,没有了主管哪会不乱啊?
我真得没想到当幼教也会有那么过的是是非非,还有小人会陷害你。当幼教还以为只是和小孩相处,却没有先到同事之间也会有人想要陷害你。很庆幸的,这一次我 竟然可以避免被针对。当和一班很单纯的小孩相处时,人性邪恶的思想和丑陋的一面更突出。原来成人的世界里试那么地复杂的。
Ms.Lai上个星期打电话给我,问我是否可以到总部去帮忙她。原本我是拒绝了她的,因为我剩下一个月的工作时间,七月中我就打算辞职了。而且到新的地方 又要适应新的环境。我在Malim那里都教得好好的,每天还可以看到我亲爱的学生。可是Ms.Lai在过两天后又打电话给我拜托我,她问了两次,我真得很 不好意思要拒绝她。所以我还是到总部去帮忙了。
Sunday, June 22, 2008
送机(二)。departure (2)
One week gone, and I still not yet post about the departure.
That day was Saturday, the day before we slept at 4something in the morning. But I woke up at 8 something in the morning naturally. Watching mei and Amanda sleep so soundly, I also wish I can continue my sleep but I just can’t. then I just lye until 9 something only wake up, went for online.
Vu had a exam in the morning, after his exam was 1 something in the afternoon, we went for lunch. After lunch I sent him back for packing. I reach his house around 3 something, his friends was gathering at there, having farewell and taking photos.
After that we were on our journey.
抵达LCCT是已经是check in的时间。我们去登记时,那位服务员说现在马上要进去登机处。他也感谢我送他到这里,然后给了一个拥抱,我们也叫对方保重。
It was quite late when we reached LCCT. We went to check in and the people in service said what they have to go into the departures immediately. Vu say thanks to me for sending him there. And then give me a hug and we wish each other take care.
Watching he walk into the departure gate, I don’t have any feelings at all. Feeling sad? No. Totally don’t have feelings anymore. That time I felt that I am quite mean. Am I mean? Or I had too many feelings, until I can’t feel my feelings at that moment.
Or I am too tough? I didn’t make myself to be tough.
I really can’t find any reason to explain my feeling-less.
Or maybe I already prepare very early before.

Vu's keychain. hahaha...
One week gone, and I still not yet post about the departure.
That day was Saturday, the day before we slept at 4something in the morning. But I woke up at 8 something in the morning naturally. Watching mei and Amanda sleep so soundly, I also wish I can continue my sleep but I just can’t. then I just lye until 9 something only wake up, went for online.
Vu had a exam in the morning, after his exam was 1 something in the afternoon, we went for lunch. After lunch I sent him back for packing. I reach his house around 3 something, his friends was gathering at there, having farewell and taking photos.
After that we were on our journey.
抵达LCCT是已经是check in的时间。我们去登记时,那位服务员说现在马上要进去登机处。他也感谢我送他到这里,然后给了一个拥抱,我们也叫对方保重。
It was quite late when we reached LCCT. We went to check in and the people in service said what they have to go into the departures immediately. Vu say thanks to me for sending him there. And then give me a hug and we wish each other take care.
Watching he walk into the departure gate, I don’t have any feelings at all. Feeling sad? No. Totally don’t have feelings anymore. That time I felt that I am quite mean. Am I mean? Or I had too many feelings, until I can’t feel my feelings at that moment.
Or I am too tough? I didn’t make myself to be tough.
I really can’t find any reason to explain my feeling-less.
Or maybe I already prepare very early before.

Vu's keychain. hahaha...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
euro cup
what cat(in chinese called 'mao') know how to play football?
is Simao. hahahaha....
what cat(in chinese called 'mao') know how to play football?
is Simao. hahahaha....
Sunday, June 15, 2008
送机(一)。departure (1)
i have been lost for these few days, it's time for me to reappear.
last time when Vu came to Malacca he had told me he will be living Malaysia soon, further his studies in Melbourn. he keep on ask me to go to cyber in the weekend, but i am lazy to go up.
later he told me his flight will be on 14th of june. i suddenly have the eager wanted to send him until the airport. after struggling for quite some times, i decided to go.
上个星期一开始计划我的行程。星期三问 a mei 是否可以去她的宿舍住一晚,反正她们也认识Vu的,也知道他要离开了,只是她们现在正面临大考,不知道会不会打扰到她们。a mei 很乐意让我在那里住一晚。当天晚上我通知我妈妈,星期五放工后我才上去cyber。
i plan my trip on last monday. on wednesday i asked a mei weather i can stay at her hostel for one night, they also know Vu and know he's leaving soon. only that mei are facing final exam and worry of bothering them. a mei willing to let me stay there. then that night i inform my mom that i'm going to cyber on friday after work.
星期五抵达那里时大约9点多晚上。先去找a mei和amanda。然后Vu还在他的学校LimKokWing彩排星期六的show,要我去接他。a mei 就很想去看LKW有什么show,我们就一起去接Vu。送他回家清洗后,我们就到O-Town去吃晚餐。
i arrived around 9 something on friday night. i go to mei and amanda's hostel. Vu is still at his college LKW, having some show going on, then want me to fetch him after that. mei wanted to go to see what's going on so she followed me. i fetch him go back for shower then we ahead to O-Town for dinner.

吃晚餐后,我们就约Vu家的那一群越南朋友到Putrajaya的那几个地方去。拍了一些照片,又弯了几个地方,就好像回到以前那样。上次我、a mei和amanda读完foundation要离开cyber时,也是去了O-Town,然后又到那putrajaya桥,拍拍照聊聊天的。一直到晚上3点多我们才回去。
after dinner we invited Vu and his vietnamese housemate to putrajaya and a few places. after taking some photo, we round a few places, just like back to last time. last time when mei, amanda and i finished our foundation and leaving cyber, we also went to O-Town, then putrajaya bridge, took some photo, having some conversation. we went back around 3 something in the morning.

Vu writing his own name.

stupid motto: buat kerja.

group photo with vietnamese guys...

at putrajaya bridge

upper: 3 of us with Vu.

me, amanda and mei
4 something only we're prepare to sleep, three of us lying on bed and chit-chatting, think back how we know these group on vietnamese friend.

to be continue......
i have been lost for these few days, it's time for me to reappear.
last time when Vu came to Malacca he had told me he will be living Malaysia soon, further his studies in Melbourn. he keep on ask me to go to cyber in the weekend, but i am lazy to go up.
later he told me his flight will be on 14th of june. i suddenly have the eager wanted to send him until the airport. after struggling for quite some times, i decided to go.
上个星期一开始计划我的行程。星期三问 a mei 是否可以去她的宿舍住一晚,反正她们也认识Vu的,也知道他要离开了,只是她们现在正面临大考,不知道会不会打扰到她们。a mei 很乐意让我在那里住一晚。当天晚上我通知我妈妈,星期五放工后我才上去cyber。
i plan my trip on last monday. on wednesday i asked a mei weather i can stay at her hostel for one night, they also know Vu and know he's leaving soon. only that mei are facing final exam and worry of bothering them. a mei willing to let me stay there. then that night i inform my mom that i'm going to cyber on friday after work.
星期五抵达那里时大约9点多晚上。先去找a mei和amanda。然后Vu还在他的学校LimKokWing彩排星期六的show,要我去接他。a mei 就很想去看LKW有什么show,我们就一起去接Vu。送他回家清洗后,我们就到O-Town去吃晚餐。
i arrived around 9 something on friday night. i go to mei and amanda's hostel. Vu is still at his college LKW, having some show going on, then want me to fetch him after that. mei wanted to go to see what's going on so she followed me. i fetch him go back for shower then we ahead to O-Town for dinner.

吃晚餐后,我们就约Vu家的那一群越南朋友到Putrajaya的那几个地方去。拍了一些照片,又弯了几个地方,就好像回到以前那样。上次我、a mei和amanda读完foundation要离开cyber时,也是去了O-Town,然后又到那putrajaya桥,拍拍照聊聊天的。一直到晚上3点多我们才回去。
after dinner we invited Vu and his vietnamese housemate to putrajaya and a few places. after taking some photo, we round a few places, just like back to last time. last time when mei, amanda and i finished our foundation and leaving cyber, we also went to O-Town, then putrajaya bridge, took some photo, having some conversation. we went back around 3 something in the morning.

Vu writing his own name.

stupid motto: buat kerja.

group photo with vietnamese guys...

at putrajaya bridge

upper: 3 of us with Vu.

me, amanda and mei
4 something only we're prepare to sleep, three of us lying on bed and chit-chatting, think back how we know these group on vietnamese friend.

to be continue......
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
horror movies
who want to watch Long Khong 2 with me???
who want to watch Prom Night with me???
i am a total horror movie freak!
i've missed Congkak which is a Malaysian horror movie......
i can't remember what's the last time i watch horror movie.....
wanna watch moviesssssssss.........
who want to watch Prom Night with me???
i am a total horror movie freak!
i've missed Congkak which is a Malaysian horror movie......
i can't remember what's the last time i watch horror movie.....
wanna watch moviesssssssss.........
Saturday, June 7, 2008
passing afternoon
today's weather was so great.
repeating listen to Passing Afternoon by Iron and Wine.
i am lost in my own world.
kinda like today's afternoon...
i'm willing to spend every afternoon like this......
it's very peaceful.
重复听着 Iron and Wine 的 Passing Afternoon。
Passing Afternoon
Artist(Band):Iron & Wine
There are times that walk from you like some passing afternoon
Summer warmed the open window of her honeymoon
And she chose a yard to burn but the ground remembers her
Wooden spoons, her children stir her Bougainvillea blooms
There are things that drift away like our endless, numbered days
Autumn blew the quilt right off the perfect bed she made
And she's chosen to believe in the hymns her mother sings
Sunday pulls its children from their piles of fallen leaves
There are sailing ships that pass all our bodies in the grass
Springtime calls her children 'till she let's them go at last
And she's chosen where to be, though she's lost her wedding ring
Somewhere near her misplaced jar of Bougainvillea seeds
There are things we can't recall, blind as night that finds us all
Winter tucks her children in, her fragile china dolls
But my hands remember hers, rolling 'round the shaded ferns
Naked arms, her secrets still like songs I'd never learned
There are names across the sea, only now I do believe
Sometimes, with the windows closed, she'll sit and think of me
But she'll mend his tattered clothes and they'll kiss as if they know
A baby sleeps in all our bones, so scared to be alone
repeating listen to Passing Afternoon by Iron and Wine.
i am lost in my own world.
kinda like today's afternoon...
i'm willing to spend every afternoon like this......
it's very peaceful.
重复听着 Iron and Wine 的 Passing Afternoon。
Passing Afternoon
Artist(Band):Iron & Wine
There are times that walk from you like some passing afternoon
Summer warmed the open window of her honeymoon
And she chose a yard to burn but the ground remembers her
Wooden spoons, her children stir her Bougainvillea blooms
There are things that drift away like our endless, numbered days
Autumn blew the quilt right off the perfect bed she made
And she's chosen to believe in the hymns her mother sings
Sunday pulls its children from their piles of fallen leaves
There are sailing ships that pass all our bodies in the grass
Springtime calls her children 'till she let's them go at last
And she's chosen where to be, though she's lost her wedding ring
Somewhere near her misplaced jar of Bougainvillea seeds
There are things we can't recall, blind as night that finds us all
Winter tucks her children in, her fragile china dolls
But my hands remember hers, rolling 'round the shaded ferns
Naked arms, her secrets still like songs I'd never learned
There are names across the sea, only now I do believe
Sometimes, with the windows closed, she'll sit and think of me
But she'll mend his tattered clothes and they'll kiss as if they know
A baby sleeps in all our bones, so scared to be alone
Friday, June 6, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
travel in Malacca
Last week, Vu told me he would like to visit Malacca in the coming weekend. At first he says he will come alone... then I tell him to invite some friend and come together with him. Few days later he said 2 friends will come along with him. Until last Friday he says only one friend coming to Malacca.
I was worried at first cause I am not very sure that he will come or not. As before, another friend of mine promised twice to come to Malacca and visit me but at last canceled the plan.
Friday (30/05/08)
today was parent's day in the kindergarten that I am teaching. This is the first time I have to meet the parent and talked about the kids that I’ve taught. Quite nervous at first but luckily everything went so smoothly. Don't have parent which complained too much about our teaching. Feel excited the whole day and also Vu is coming today. He sms me at night saying he is on the way to get bus in Pudu to Malacca. The bus departs on 10pm and only will arrive on midnight I guess. So I waited for them until pass 12 midnight. They arrived quite in time. Vu and his friend, Edward will stay in my house. I pick them up and they had supper in my house.
Saturday (31/05/08)
I don't really plan my trip actually... I will be their tour guide for this few days. I woke up at 9 to get ready then give them a morning call at 10am. Can’t believe they just can't wake up when I knock the door. I have to call Vu's phone to wake him up. We had breakfast in my house as my mom was so eager to cook red wine mee sua for them. They like it!
After breakfast, I just use the Bukit Cina was as I want to find the Taming Sari Tower. Surprisingly I found it accidentally. It is just beside the Malacca Megamall or so-called Dataran Pahlawan aka DP. So I just parked my car there and we were buying the tickets. Luckily I went to buy that ticket. Quite expensive though. It cost RM20 for adult. But if you were Malaccan then they will give you 50% discount. So I buy the 3 ticket for RM10 each. They were just so lucky to have me as tour guide. The time spent in the tower was just 7 minute. The view is not bad, but for me I don't think I will spend RM10 to go up there for the second time.
早餐后我们便开始我们的行程。我就用了Bukit Cina的那条路就是为了要寻找那个马六甲刚刚建的塔。很惊讶的我竟然可以误打误闯的找到那个塔,就刚好在Dataran Pahlawan 的隔壁。放好我的车后我变去买票。一张成人票竟然是RM20。说真的是有点贵咯。还好是我买票。那个售票员问我来自哪里,我说我是马六甲人,他便要求我的身份证证明,然后他会给我50%的折扣。所以我就买3张票10块钱的票,反正他们也不知道我的朋友来自哪里。我这个当导游的还真不赖。那个塔在空中旋转的时间也不过是7分钟。风景是很不错,可是对我来说我想我不会再花我的10块钱在上去第二次。

Taming Sari Tower

view from the tower

a phone booth that attracted our attention.
Then we go to the A' Famosa, St. Paul Hill, museums, St. Francis Xavier Church, the red house and so on. After that, we had lunch in Sushi King. I planed to bring them eat the famous Malacca Chicken Rice Ball but I just can’t find that shop. I guess it was shifted or closed. Then Edward wanted to eat Sushi King so we just go there for our lunch. After our lunch is nearly evening, we went to seaside to watch sunset. This is the first time I really watch sunset. It was so so so so fun. They took so many photograph and we are having a very good moment.
过后我就在他们到马六甲古城、三保山、博物馆、教堂、红屋等。过后我们就在Sushi King享用午餐。我其实是要带他们去吃古城鸡饭粒的,可是我却找不到上次我去的那家餐馆,可能搬走了吧。Edward说他想吃Sushi King那我只好带他去吃咯。吃我们的午餐后已经是接近傍晚了,我们便到海边看夕阳。这是我第一次真正看夕阳。真得很好很好玩。他们也派了不少照片。我们也度过了很美好的时光。

A' Famosa

two stupid guys. hahaha...

St. Paul Hill

St. Paul

Vu. He aren't posing.

sky view from St. Paul Hill

we saw the chief minister car.

fake windmill

Maritime Museum

inside of Maritime Museum, Afonso de Albuquerque

i like these lamps.

Stadhuys Square


Christ Church Malacca

along the stadhuys


St. Francis Xavier Church

people having wedding

i can't remember what they are looking at but they are surely not posing. hahaha...

the only photo we took together.

Vu you look better here but Edward, what are you doing? haha...

professional photographer
the sunsets-taken by me

this is the best sunset that i've took. even the professional photographer is so impressed with me. wuahahahaha.... Vu didn't believe that i took this photo. he insist that i copy from the way he took the sunset. even Edward didn't took as well as mine. omg... i should change my course.

After the sun set, I bring them to the Malacca River. I was planning to bring them to sit the Malacca River Cruise which brings you along the Malacca River and there will be some people explaining the history of the river and also history of Malacca. But when we reach there only I realized there were some events going on. That day was Malacca River Feast. We heard that there will be firework around so we plan to stay until we see the firework and also go to the boat. But until the firework was over only we know we are not allowed to go on the boat unless for the VIPs. Saw Gan Tian Lu and Ali Rustam though… nothing special because I don’t really like him. Sorry to say about that.
看完夕阳后,我带他们到马六甲河。其实我们是像要乘坐船游玩马六甲河的。到达时才知道当天有很盛大的马六甲河庆典。过后听说会有放烟花。他们为了要拍照便打算留下来。放烟花过后才知道我们不可以乘坐轮船,他们只给那些大人物上船。看到马六甲市长Ali Rustam和YB颜天禄。并没有特别感觉,我并不是很喜欢他们。

the clown

he/she is was trying to attract my attention.

the partner.
they scared a lot of kids. haha...

posing for photograph

they want to bomb the boat that the chief minister of Malacca went into.
this is just so damn funny.

this 2 picture taken by Vu. now only i know he likes to take people's backside.
i give you mine la.....
It was quite late already. So we either go to have our late dinner or go to Jonker Street. The roads on weekend in Malacca are all jammed. We are stuck in jammed more then on the place we wanted to visit. We decided to have our dinner as we are hungry and tired. I bring them to Portuguese Settlement to have out seafood dinner. Edward was so happy that he can have his favorite seafood at last. We only order crab and fish. Edward was satisfied as he can eat crab at last. He seldom eats crab since he came to Malaysia. He is an Indonesian Chinese.
In conclusion we just didn’t go to Jonker Street, quite a waste actually.
Sunday (01/06/08)
We had breakfast + lunch together with my mom as she really wants to treat them a meal. So we had dim sum near my house which is quite famous. Edward and Vu say some of the food taste alike in their country. They also get to eat Nyonya dumpling there. We were just so lucky to get to eat the dumpling as it was sold out at first. Then later another stock came in. Their friend also called them to try that food if they have chance to come to Malacca. According to their friend it was the famous food in Malacca.
After our brunch I bring them to temple. There were two temples which is famous in Malacca. So they just took whatever picture that they need for assignment and we just walked around the old streets. They bought some souvenirs there. Then we had our early dinner in the Jonker Street. At last I have the chance to let them taste the Chicken Rice Ball. Then we still go into some shop and didn’t realize that the time passed so fast.
They bought the bus ticket back to KL at 5pm. Then the time was 4.45pm and we were in a rush. The traffic was jammed again and caused us stuck again in the jammed. We arrived at the Malacca Sentral just in time but the bus leaved. We are all so speechless and just laughing. If there were no bus left then they will stay in my house for another day and leave Malacca the next morning or they have another chance… that was waiting for buses which going to KL and have empty sits. There was no more ticket to go back to KL as all the tickets were sold off. So the only chance we have is just waiting. We heard there was another bus at 6pm so we wait for that bus.
I just hate bus!
The 6pm bus arrived then we waited for the passenger to go up the bus first. Then I was going to the ticket collector to ask about the permission weather he would let them to get up the bus. There came another guy which also a bus driver I guess wanted to let his so-called-relative (anak buah) to go on the bus. Then the ticket collector says: you don’t ask me but the bus driver, I’m just the ticket collector.
I was just beside him then I heard that conversation, then I just rush to the bus driver and ask for his permission. He just says that we have to pay again for the ticket to him. (Malaysian will understand what he means). Then I say sure I will pay him. Just at the same time, a few more people came and say they missed the bus before and wanted to get up this bus, especially the guy which also a bus driver wanted to give his ‘relative’ to go on the bus. The actual bus driver was not very happy and says that he already promised to give us first. Then the guy went up the bus and count for the sit which is empty. Then he says there are 7 places. I just feel that we might have the chance to get up that bus.
There were like a small fight going around. The guy which wanted to let his relative go up the bus call his so-called-relative to go up the bus. Then the bus driver gets angry and chased him down. He says this is his bus and he has the rights to let whoever he wants to get to his bus. Then another Malay lady also wanted to let a young lady to get up the bus as she also missed the last bus. The bus driver says the bus was full, he even take out a list to prove it. Then the lady was like ‘we are Malay so you help a bit la…’ But damn luckily, then bus driver says No. He is based on first come first served, and we are the first to come to ask him. Then the lady still trying to persuade him but still failed. The bus driver just insist that he will only follow order and his principle—first come first served. Then the bus driver was calling the last call for that bus. Some of the people was trying to get in the bus but stopped by the driver. Then he just let Vu and Edward go up that bus.
I was so relieved and feel better. I just feel that I caused them to miss the bus. I should drove them to the bus station earlier then the departure time of the bus. Luckily they found a bus and a bus driver which wailing to let them get on the bus. And I also feel lucky as I just step to the front earlier then other people. If not I don’t think they would get to the bus so early.
The bus just left right after they went up the bus. As I watched the bus leave, my heart sinks deep down to nowhere.
I was worried at first cause I am not very sure that he will come or not. As before, another friend of mine promised twice to come to Malacca and visit me but at last canceled the plan.
Friday (30/05/08)
today was parent's day in the kindergarten that I am teaching. This is the first time I have to meet the parent and talked about the kids that I’ve taught. Quite nervous at first but luckily everything went so smoothly. Don't have parent which complained too much about our teaching. Feel excited the whole day and also Vu is coming today. He sms me at night saying he is on the way to get bus in Pudu to Malacca. The bus departs on 10pm and only will arrive on midnight I guess. So I waited for them until pass 12 midnight. They arrived quite in time. Vu and his friend, Edward will stay in my house. I pick them up and they had supper in my house.
Saturday (31/05/08)
I don't really plan my trip actually... I will be their tour guide for this few days. I woke up at 9 to get ready then give them a morning call at 10am. Can’t believe they just can't wake up when I knock the door. I have to call Vu's phone to wake him up. We had breakfast in my house as my mom was so eager to cook red wine mee sua for them. They like it!
After breakfast, I just use the Bukit Cina was as I want to find the Taming Sari Tower. Surprisingly I found it accidentally. It is just beside the Malacca Megamall or so-called Dataran Pahlawan aka DP. So I just parked my car there and we were buying the tickets. Luckily I went to buy that ticket. Quite expensive though. It cost RM20 for adult. But if you were Malaccan then they will give you 50% discount. So I buy the 3 ticket for RM10 each. They were just so lucky to have me as tour guide. The time spent in the tower was just 7 minute. The view is not bad, but for me I don't think I will spend RM10 to go up there for the second time.
早餐后我们便开始我们的行程。我就用了Bukit Cina的那条路就是为了要寻找那个马六甲刚刚建的塔。很惊讶的我竟然可以误打误闯的找到那个塔,就刚好在Dataran Pahlawan 的隔壁。放好我的车后我变去买票。一张成人票竟然是RM20。说真的是有点贵咯。还好是我买票。那个售票员问我来自哪里,我说我是马六甲人,他便要求我的身份证证明,然后他会给我50%的折扣。所以我就买3张票10块钱的票,反正他们也不知道我的朋友来自哪里。我这个当导游的还真不赖。那个塔在空中旋转的时间也不过是7分钟。风景是很不错,可是对我来说我想我不会再花我的10块钱在上去第二次。
Taming Sari Tower
view from the tower
a phone booth that attracted our attention.
Then we go to the A' Famosa, St. Paul Hill, museums, St. Francis Xavier Church, the red house and so on. After that, we had lunch in Sushi King. I planed to bring them eat the famous Malacca Chicken Rice Ball but I just can’t find that shop. I guess it was shifted or closed. Then Edward wanted to eat Sushi King so we just go there for our lunch. After our lunch is nearly evening, we went to seaside to watch sunset. This is the first time I really watch sunset. It was so so so so fun. They took so many photograph and we are having a very good moment.
过后我就在他们到马六甲古城、三保山、博物馆、教堂、红屋等。过后我们就在Sushi King享用午餐。我其实是要带他们去吃古城鸡饭粒的,可是我却找不到上次我去的那家餐馆,可能搬走了吧。Edward说他想吃Sushi King那我只好带他去吃咯。吃我们的午餐后已经是接近傍晚了,我们便到海边看夕阳。这是我第一次真正看夕阳。真得很好很好玩。他们也派了不少照片。我们也度过了很美好的时光。
A' Famosa
two stupid guys. hahaha...
St. Paul Hill
St. Paul
Vu. He aren't posing.
sky view from St. Paul Hill

we saw the chief minister car.
fake windmill

Maritime Museum
inside of Maritime Museum, Afonso de Albuquerque
i like these lamps.
Stadhuys Square
Christ Church Malacca
along the stadhuys
St. Francis Xavier Church
people having wedding
i can't remember what they are looking at but they are surely not posing. hahaha...
the only photo we took together.
Vu you look better here but Edward, what are you doing? haha...
professional photographer
the sunsets-taken by me
this is the best sunset that i've took. even the professional photographer is so impressed with me. wuahahahaha.... Vu didn't believe that i took this photo. he insist that i copy from the way he took the sunset. even Edward didn't took as well as mine. omg... i should change my course.
After the sun set, I bring them to the Malacca River. I was planning to bring them to sit the Malacca River Cruise which brings you along the Malacca River and there will be some people explaining the history of the river and also history of Malacca. But when we reach there only I realized there were some events going on. That day was Malacca River Feast. We heard that there will be firework around so we plan to stay until we see the firework and also go to the boat. But until the firework was over only we know we are not allowed to go on the boat unless for the VIPs. Saw Gan Tian Lu and Ali Rustam though… nothing special because I don’t really like him. Sorry to say about that.
看完夕阳后,我带他们到马六甲河。其实我们是像要乘坐船游玩马六甲河的。到达时才知道当天有很盛大的马六甲河庆典。过后听说会有放烟花。他们为了要拍照便打算留下来。放烟花过后才知道我们不可以乘坐轮船,他们只给那些大人物上船。看到马六甲市长Ali Rustam和YB颜天禄。并没有特别感觉,我并不是很喜欢他们。
the clown
he/she is was trying to attract my attention.
the partner.
they scared a lot of kids. haha...
posing for photograph
they want to bomb the boat that the chief minister of Malacca went into.
this is just so damn funny.
this 2 picture taken by Vu. now only i know he likes to take people's backside.
i give you mine la.....
It was quite late already. So we either go to have our late dinner or go to Jonker Street. The roads on weekend in Malacca are all jammed. We are stuck in jammed more then on the place we wanted to visit. We decided to have our dinner as we are hungry and tired. I bring them to Portuguese Settlement to have out seafood dinner. Edward was so happy that he can have his favorite seafood at last. We only order crab and fish. Edward was satisfied as he can eat crab at last. He seldom eats crab since he came to Malaysia. He is an Indonesian Chinese.
In conclusion we just didn’t go to Jonker Street, quite a waste actually.
Sunday (01/06/08)
We had breakfast + lunch together with my mom as she really wants to treat them a meal. So we had dim sum near my house which is quite famous. Edward and Vu say some of the food taste alike in their country. They also get to eat Nyonya dumpling there. We were just so lucky to get to eat the dumpling as it was sold out at first. Then later another stock came in. Their friend also called them to try that food if they have chance to come to Malacca. According to their friend it was the famous food in Malacca.
After our brunch I bring them to temple. There were two temples which is famous in Malacca. So they just took whatever picture that they need for assignment and we just walked around the old streets. They bought some souvenirs there. Then we had our early dinner in the Jonker Street. At last I have the chance to let them taste the Chicken Rice Ball. Then we still go into some shop and didn’t realize that the time passed so fast.
They bought the bus ticket back to KL at 5pm. Then the time was 4.45pm and we were in a rush. The traffic was jammed again and caused us stuck again in the jammed. We arrived at the Malacca Sentral just in time but the bus leaved. We are all so speechless and just laughing. If there were no bus left then they will stay in my house for another day and leave Malacca the next morning or they have another chance… that was waiting for buses which going to KL and have empty sits. There was no more ticket to go back to KL as all the tickets were sold off. So the only chance we have is just waiting. We heard there was another bus at 6pm so we wait for that bus.
I just hate bus!
The 6pm bus arrived then we waited for the passenger to go up the bus first. Then I was going to the ticket collector to ask about the permission weather he would let them to get up the bus. There came another guy which also a bus driver I guess wanted to let his so-called-relative (anak buah) to go on the bus. Then the ticket collector says: you don’t ask me but the bus driver, I’m just the ticket collector.
I was just beside him then I heard that conversation, then I just rush to the bus driver and ask for his permission. He just says that we have to pay again for the ticket to him. (Malaysian will understand what he means). Then I say sure I will pay him. Just at the same time, a few more people came and say they missed the bus before and wanted to get up this bus, especially the guy which also a bus driver wanted to give his ‘relative’ to go on the bus. The actual bus driver was not very happy and says that he already promised to give us first. Then the guy went up the bus and count for the sit which is empty. Then he says there are 7 places. I just feel that we might have the chance to get up that bus.
There were like a small fight going around. The guy which wanted to let his relative go up the bus call his so-called-relative to go up the bus. Then the bus driver gets angry and chased him down. He says this is his bus and he has the rights to let whoever he wants to get to his bus. Then another Malay lady also wanted to let a young lady to get up the bus as she also missed the last bus. The bus driver says the bus was full, he even take out a list to prove it. Then the lady was like ‘we are Malay so you help a bit la…’ But damn luckily, then bus driver says No. He is based on first come first served, and we are the first to come to ask him. Then the lady still trying to persuade him but still failed. The bus driver just insist that he will only follow order and his principle—first come first served. Then the bus driver was calling the last call for that bus. Some of the people was trying to get in the bus but stopped by the driver. Then he just let Vu and Edward go up that bus.
I was so relieved and feel better. I just feel that I caused them to miss the bus. I should drove them to the bus station earlier then the departure time of the bus. Luckily they found a bus and a bus driver which wailing to let them get on the bus. And I also feel lucky as I just step to the front earlier then other people. If not I don’t think they would get to the bus so early.
The bus just left right after they went up the bus. As I watched the bus leave, my heart sinks deep down to nowhere.
Monday, June 2, 2008
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