i have been lost for these few days, it's time for me to reappear.
last time when Vu came to Malacca he had told me he will be living Malaysia soon, further his studies in Melbourn. he keep on ask me to go to cyber in the weekend, but i am lazy to go up.
later he told me his flight will be on 14th of june. i suddenly have the eager wanted to send him until the airport. after struggling for quite some times, i decided to go.
上个星期一开始计划我的行程。星期三问 a mei 是否可以去她的宿舍住一晚,反正她们也认识Vu的,也知道他要离开了,只是她们现在正面临大考,不知道会不会打扰到她们。a mei 很乐意让我在那里住一晚。当天晚上我通知我妈妈,星期五放工后我才上去cyber。
i plan my trip on last monday. on wednesday i asked a mei weather i can stay at her hostel for one night, they also know Vu and know he's leaving soon. only that mei are facing final exam and worry of bothering them. a mei willing to let me stay there. then that night i inform my mom that i'm going to cyber on friday after work.
星期五抵达那里时大约9点多晚上。先去找a mei和amanda。然后Vu还在他的学校LimKokWing彩排星期六的show,要我去接他。a mei 就很想去看LKW有什么show,我们就一起去接Vu。送他回家清洗后,我们就到O-Town去吃晚餐。
i arrived around 9 something on friday night. i go to mei and amanda's hostel. Vu is still at his college LKW, having some show going on, then want me to fetch him after that. mei wanted to go to see what's going on so she followed me. i fetch him go back for shower then we ahead to O-Town for dinner.

吃晚餐后,我们就约Vu家的那一群越南朋友到Putrajaya的那几个地方去。拍了一些照片,又弯了几个地方,就好像回到以前那样。上次我、a mei和amanda读完foundation要离开cyber时,也是去了O-Town,然后又到那putrajaya桥,拍拍照聊聊天的。一直到晚上3点多我们才回去。
after dinner we invited Vu and his vietnamese housemate to putrajaya and a few places. after taking some photo, we round a few places, just like back to last time. last time when mei, amanda and i finished our foundation and leaving cyber, we also went to O-Town, then putrajaya bridge, took some photo, having some conversation. we went back around 3 something in the morning.

Vu writing his own name.

stupid motto: buat kerja.

group photo with vietnamese guys...

at putrajaya bridge

upper: 3 of us with Vu.

me, amanda and mei
4 something only we're prepare to sleep, three of us lying on bed and chit-chatting, think back how we know these group on vietnamese friend.

to be continue......
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