She informed me that I have won 2 tickets of Jolin Tsai concert tickets, and I have to collect the mock up ticket and take a picture in PenDrive main office.
I didn't have any reaction at that time as I thought it was a spam.
I did take part in the contest but I didn't think of winning the concert tickets at all! Cause I haven't win any contest I took part before this.

I took part in the contest was because I helped my aunt to bought 2 pendrive at Tesco the other day.
This PenDrive have 10 years warranty!! So I say why not try this brand as my aunt wants Kingston.
Then I helped her to register online and get the reference number so that she can get a 10 years warranty.
I put my own email address and few days later they send me and ask me to enter the contest.
So I just simply put my name and IC number and answer 2 easy questions.
Since I bought 2 PenDrive so I have 2 warranty reference numbers and I have 2 chances of send in my contest form.
Few days later, they send an email me the 3rd week winner, so I just tell myself I have no chance of winning it!

Later in the afternoon after the call, they send me an email confirming I have won the tickets.
It was from PenDrive and only then I start to realize I really have won the contest.
Then in facebook page, the have added me as friend and tag me in a photo including my name and IC number.

I decided on Tuesday before I come back Melaka, I will visit their main office and collect the mock up ticket.
It was a problem for me to find their main office.
I have no GPS so I get the direction from google map.
Since the only landmark which I know shown in the map is Sunway Pyramid, so I will figure out how to go to the main office when I reach Sunway.
As you know Malaysia road and the sign broad is totally useless.
Even though the google map there written a road name on it, but when I travel in Sunway, I just can't find the next sign.
Until a junction, I have no idea I should go which way.
So I continue on Shah Alam way as the main office address is in Shah Alam.
Seriously I've never been to the place I am going, so I start to feel a little worry if I am on the right track.
So I phone to PenDrive main office to confirm if I am on the right track.
Luckily due to my cleverness, I am going the right way. And then I was guide by the receptionist.
Finally I reach the place, Suki wasn't in the office so another girl hand over me the mock up ticket and too a photo of me!

Jolin Tsai concert is on 11th June, which is 2 days before my professional exam. I was like wtf?!!
I wanted to give to my sister but she is so not interested in Jolin. So I am letting this 2 tickets away.
It's RM268 per tickets and it's free setting. For more info you can visit at Galaxy website.
Contact me if you want my tickets. Jolin wasn't so famous after all. haha!

Saw me in the 4th column?! the only girl till now!!
After all, I have to say I am very lucky person!!
i am ur sister and i am free.thanks.hahahaha
when got free tickets then you are my sis ah har?! hahaha...
buy from me la... buy buy. bring your mom go watch!
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