at last, i had done what i wished.
今天我回到Malim那里的幼儿园,见了那些我想念已久的小孩。 依然是那几个很熟悉的脸孔。 我预算好时间,刚刚好在他们睡午觉后去找他们。
today i went to Malim's kindergarten, and meet all the kids that i miss so much. their faces are still so familier. i planned my time, and i reach there right after their nap.
我的一个看到的是Mah Wei Jun。 他应该是刚刚睡醒,还迷迷糊糊的。 他看到我时好像有点惊讶。 我问他:你知不知到我是谁? 他只看着我,没有回答我的问题。 但是我心里想着:这些小孩都忘了我吗?
the first child i saw was Mah Wei Jun. i think he just woke up, look so blur. he looks surprise when he saw me came. i asked him: do you know who am I? he just stare at me. didn't answer my question. in heart i thought: are all these kids already forgotten me?

Mah Wei Jun
Joslyn Teh,Yee Shin, Noelle都在做功课。 他们像是记得我,可是却忘了我。 看得出,Joslyn很用力的想我是谁。
Joslyn Teh, Yee Shin Noelle was doing their homework. they seem like remember me, but at the same time forgotten me. i can saw that Joslyn is trying very hard to remember who am I.

Ye Shin
和那里的院长还有舒玲aunty聊聊天,我也买了一些小吃给她们。 aunty过后就进去房里把剩余那些还没睡醒的小孩起身。
talk a while with the Headmaster and also Aunty ShuLin, and i bought some snack for them. anuty then went into the room to wake up the kids that not yet wake up from their nap.

Yao and Joslyn
突然,Mah Wei Jun就走到房门外说:Teacher Melissa! 他记得我!我心里呐喊着。 当时很感动,因为有一个学生竟然还记得我的名字。 那时其它的学生也跑过来教我。
then suddenly, Mah Wei Jun came to the door and called: Teacher Melissa! he still remember me! i shout inside my heart. i am so touched, because at least there are still a student remember me. then other kids also came and call me.
Kwei Xuan看到我是就耍脾气,她还是像以前那样的霸道。 Henry公主却因为不够睡而脸嘟嘟。 阿耀还是那么会说话。 子强依然那么会吃。
Kwei Xuan was having bad mood, still as ego as before. Henry having bad mood because he was waked up from his nap. Yao still talk as much as last time. Qiang was still eat as much as last time.

Kwei Xuan刚开始时根本就不想接近我。 经过一段时间的哄哄骗骗她才肯让我抱她。 她也记得我。 当我问她:你知道我是谁吗? 她会说:Teacher Melissa。
Kwei Xuan refuse to come near me at first. after a while only she let me carry her. she still remember me. i asked her: do you know who am I? she called: Teacher Melissa.

Kwei Xuan
aunty ShuLin says, the children will feel you are stranger if we lost contact for quite some time.
虽然生疏了点,这一群小孩还记得我。 还会叫我,还会跟我说很多很多的话。
even thought there was already a gap, but these kids still remember me. they still call me, and also talk a lot with me.
那里换了院长,换了老师,换了教育方式。 以前是没有藤鞭的,可是今天我发现到院长的桌子上有藤鞭。 那个aunty也一直恐吓他们,尤其是Mah Wei Jun。 也许他们现在的环境并没有我想向中的那么差。 尽管如此我也无能为力。 真的希望那些小孩过得顺顺利利的。
changes of headmaster, changes of teachers, changes of education style. there was no cane in the past, but today i was a cane on the headmaster's table. aunty also keep on scaring them, especially towards mah Wei Jun. maybe their situation is not as bad as i thought. if really were, I can't do anything too. just hope that the kids there will live happily.
Kwei Xuan给我哄后就让我抱,做功课时也坐着我的腿上。 当时的感觉很好很好。 我在那里逗留的时间也满长的。 只需要看着那些小孩,我就很满足。
Kwei Xuan let me carry her, and she sits on my lap when she doing her homework. that feeling was really great. i was there for quite a long time. i feel satisfied just looking at the kids.
直到我要离开前,我告诉Kwei Xuan:我现在要回家了,改天才来看你,好不好? 她点点头,然后说:Teacher Melissa,你明天来看我啊? 我听到她那样回答我,我的情绪就快要控制不住了。 我再不离开那个地方,也许我会忍不住掉眼泪 我回答她:嗯...
until before i leave, i tell Kwei Xuan: i want to go back now, i come to see you another day , ok? she noded her head, then she says: Teacher Melissa, you tomorrow will come and see me again? when i heard what she says, i nearly can't hold my emotion, if I don't leave that place immedialy, i might not be able to hold my tears. i answered her: emm...
they are so naive.
they are so pure.
i already start to miss them......
your kids ????????
hahahahaha they dun wana be yourssss hehehe
i treat them as mine can d la... i also don't care they want or not wor... eleh... they don't want you got la...kakaka
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