开学的第一个星期就已经有4个assignment了。而且都是前一天才放上学院的网站,我们第二天就要在班上呈现。还好的是都是group assignment,要不然我也不知道怎么把它做完。
It’s already a week since I started my school. This whole week was so good for me.
I have 4 assignments since the first week of study. They post the assignment to student portal one day before the due date. Luckily it’s was a group assignment, if not I don’t know how will I be able to finished it.
A lot of things happened, which make me feel school life is really nice.

my mom

my godmother
Orientation的那几天我的我的室友相处得非常好。原本我是我家里唯一的华人,我妈妈一直说服我找另外一个华人一起住。过后我才发现到其实每间家都只有一个华人,所以根本就没有分别。我们hostel是校方安排的,可是我们并不是住在学校里面,只是first year时一定要住校方安排的住宿。比起别人我真得觉得我这间家的人都非常好。有些人和室友不合啦!也有些也一直向校方要求换屋子。其实都很难可以换到,而且要经过讲师的批准。这次的orientation比以前foundation时的来的无聊。
I mix well with my housemate from the orientation day. I am the only Chinese in my house, my mom keep on pursuit me to find another Chinese girl to stay with. But then I found out that each house only have 1 chinese. Can you imagine how few Chinese in my school? Our hostel was organize by the college, but we aren’t staying in the college’s hostel, only the first year we need to stay under college. Compare with other friends, I think my housemate is the best. We already work together very well. Unlike other housemate, they ask for house changing or group changing. We need lecture approver for the changed. The orientation this year was much more boring then last time my foundation’s orientation.

my orientation group members

my housemate

my room-mate

Today I ate steamboat together with mei, cindy, Amanda, zaiyang and also mei’s brother, wei, his girlfriend, ling, and another 2 new comers which study pharmacy, loh and wen. Actually I am the only one who studying medicine. Other of them were all studying pharmacy.

我 们这一班的人又一起去吃晚餐。我想那两个 新来的学生会被我们这一群神经的人吓倒。很不明白的是他们那一群人一直捉弄我和文,好像叫他追我那样,又故意让他坐在我的旁边。我对他们这下无聊的举动没 什么反应,可是好像吓倒文了。哈哈。罗更好笑。他跟文说:要就赶快从这几个女生选一个,不然你就只剩下包头的可以选了。
We all together went to eat dinner again. I think the 2 new comers will be very surprise by this group of crazy people. I don’t understand why they all like to make fun of me and the new guy, wen, as if keep on encourage him to court after me, and then purposely let him sit beside me. I am feeling-less with their lame act. Then loh is so funny. Haha… He told wen: if you want then you better choose one among this few girls, if not you only can choose the other girl with wrap headed. (muslims)
On the way to mei’s house for dinner, I saw Lam. After so long, at last we met on this road. Although we stay in the same area but we never met. That day was so dark, I think he will never notice me, until he passed by me only I call him. he was quite surprise, but he still talk with me for a while. He is still the same old him, I can recognize him by the first look.

I didn’t thought that someone will actually confess to me in this ever first week open school. I don’t know he was serious or just kidding. I knew F since foundation, but then I repeat 1 sem so he is my senior now. We still keep in touch even thought we aren’t the same year anymore, but we are just normal friends which I think he won’t has feelings toward me.
Yesterday I saw him along the sideway in college, he was facing back to me, so I just tap on his back, and then reply a smile when he turn back. Just a normal saying ‘hi’. Then I rush to buy some stationary before the next class which going to start in few minutes.
That night he sms me.
“I will never allow you to run away from me like today anymore, I will chase you no matter where you go.”
I didn’t feel anything when I read this message, but now when I think back. He seems to has special meaning in it.
He sms-ed me tonight.
“ hey, you’re such a nice friend… think I might consider taking you as my girlfriend la. Want?”
I am a totally shock when I read this message, then I though back what he sms me last night, he seems like have some kind of showing since yesterday.
I didn’t reply him directly, then trying to change the topic. But after a few chat he was back to his main question.
“ anyway, its getting late now. Only lovers texting in middle of night. Are you my girlfriend or what?
He is way too straight forward! I have no choice, then I reply him like sort of kidding.
“ are you serious?? I am your girl’s friend. Haha! Of course we are still good friend.”
“of course I am serious, in a kidding way.”
I am totally in blurr, since when we have chemistry to each other? Am I so slow as in this feelingsss??
I only can say that, he had the feeling with the wrong people in wrong timing.
Each Friday I have assessment, and the result will be posted in a few minutes time. I was so worry that I will fail as they says there are 12 people fail, but luckily I passed. But I am not satiscfied with my result. I think I can do better then this. But I am lacking of motivation.
Today I say F in college, and he stopped by and talk with me. I am quite shy I think. I feel as I keeping a distance from him. as if I can’t talk with him so openly like last time.