Day 2:
In the morning we went to ‘7 wonders’ restaurant for our breakfast. Vu ordered some ‘dim sum’ for us, most of the ‘dim sum’ taste alike as Malaysia. He also specially ordered a beef stick for us eat together with bread, which is very delicious.

almost everyday i drink coffee there... hehehe...


the stairs...

Vu's dad... the only picture of him...
After that, Vu’s dad brought us to War Remnants Museum. I saw a lot of exhibits on war in the past, the photos, bombs, heroes and more. I saw a lot of photos when the war happened. People suffer the most, and the nature of parents protecting their child. Also the side effect of war such as Down syndrome kids because of their parents take in poisonous gas. There was one very cruel ways of bombing, they put in a lot of nails into the bomb, and when the bomb was exploded all the nails will go into human bodies. You will not die immediately but slowly torture by the pain.

Vu buying ticket at the entrance

the bombs

bombing picture

US air force

In that museum, I felt down after seeing all these pictures, and also can felt the pain and suffer of those people in the past, and what they left after the war, everyone was so innocence.

her name is Phan Thị Kim Phúc. (click to know her more)
this is a very famous picture... it was in the museum too...
they also show a picture when she grown up and her burn scar while she carrying her baby.

victim of napalm

Fetuses of victims of dioxin, from Agent Orange

victims of dioxin, from Agent Orange

the nail bomb

chemical weapon

cruel army
After that we went to a very famous jail at that time, and there were many ways of torturing the prisoner. Most of them died of suffer. When I looked inside the jail, I felt so cold inside my heart. If you even been to Vietnam, try to visit these places.

the Tiger Cage jail cells

the prison--TIGER CAGES

A guillontine

A re-creation of a political prisoner being chained by the ankles in a cell in one of the "Tiger Cages."

top view of the cells...

saw this stupid comment...

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

acting cute -_-!!!

wanna shit again?
After visiting the museum we went to the market in Ho Chi Minh. The market there was bigger then the market here. They sell all kind of things, there are people sitting at the side and had their meal. We also bought some lantern at the shop nearby; there are more choices and also way cheaper compare to Malaysia. Then, we went for lunch. Vu brought us to the restaurant he wanted to bring us yesterday for dinner, he says the food there was very nice. And truly enough the food there was so delicious.

on the way to market -- look at mei's face...


we saw this along the way... guess what?
this is a way of advertisement in Vietnam... it was Dulux paint!!

Vu teaching us how to cross the road...
we are fast learner... hehehe

the lantern shop

hahaha... walk until damn ugly...

we forget what we are looking at...

nice pose...

zaiyang act cute again
in the market!

pig brain... hoho
hardly see all these in malaysia market... hahaha...

green and white bittergot

various of coffee

tons of shoes and slippers... not very cheap though

we just go and have a try... i bought one pair of slippers

me and mei

mei choosing her purse...
the market is out of electricity... so damn.
it's dark and hot!
have a look of this Saigon Market
After lunch, we went to church and post office. The church is called Norte Dame Church, just like what we had in Malacca Norte Dame Secondary School. Took some pictures and then go to the post office. The design on the post office there were much nicer then over here.

Delicious Restaurant


this is salad

corn rice?

spring roll

this spring roll is totally different then the spring roll before this one


this is great!

this is the 'siput' we ate here

see how enjoy she was

sticky rice

green bean rice

totally clean!
opposite the church


nga and me

the church open at 3 and we went there earlier...
so we were in the small garden opposite of the church for some pictures...
the church

the church

inside of the church

along the sideway of the church

outside of the church

she likes to pose... very very much... hahaha

an old lady praying from the outside of the church
the post office

bride having wedding pictures there!

five of us!

this is too serious

there were a lot people selling things along the road...
usually i not dare to look at them... if not they will keep on stick on you and ask you to buy something...
this lady is very friendly... she puts on her smile and keep calling us while i trying to take pictures of hers

the post office there still use this old-days glue
Time for Amanda and her boyfriend arrive in airport is near. So Vu’s dad came to fetch us to airport to fetch Amanda. The people were lesser compare to yesterday. We are not very sure the exact time they arrived but surely around that time. Then just nice Amanda called Vu’s phone and inform him they were arrived. She nearly took a taxi back Vu’s house. We blame her for not call us before she depart from Malaysia, then we will know the exact time she will arrived.

at Saigon's airport

after taking amanda...
3 of us sitting at the back of the car...
having our own fun time
过后我们就回Vu的家去休息,也顺便收拾行李。因为今天晚上我们将出发到Nha Trang去。
After that we went back Vu’s house for some rest, and also some packing. Tonight we are going to Nha Trang.

Vu bought these dumpling at the market just now...
so many different kinds of dumplings.

and fruitsss
before dinner while waiting the taxi to arrive

晚餐时,我们终于吃到越南牛肉面了。记得上次我们到Mid Valley去吃越南牛肉面时,那些越南朋友一直说越南的比这边好吃很多倍。我们很有口福,越南的牛肉面真的好吃很多。牛肉也很多、很大块。
Dinner time, we ate Pho at last. Still remember last time when all of us go Mid Valley and ate the Pho there, my Vietnamese friends say that the Pho over Vietnam was much nicer. And true enough; the Pho in Vietnam was so delicious. The meat was big and more.


there will always be a plate of vegetable before every meal and lime


and egg... just drink it!

this dinner is so great!

put some lime before you eat

Vu teaching us how to eat... each food got its step.


big boss Dao


Zaiyang aka Ryan
晚餐后我们就回家准备向Naha Trang出发!载了Kaka和她的女友、Vu的女友还有她的朋友,整个晚上在12人座休闲车读过,还真辛苦的,不能有很安枕的睡眠。一路上没有地方上厕所,男人就方便啦,都处都可方便。
After dinner, we went back and take our belongings and way to Nha Trang. We went to fetch Kaka and his girlfriend first, then Vu’s girlfriend and her friend. All night in 12 seated van, quite suffer thought, I can’t sleep soundly. Along the way to Nha Trang we don’t have washroom at all, but man are much more easier compare to woman, they can pee anywhere.

Nha Trang.......
敏的想象力太好了。去Nha Trang的路上我们都坐在车内。每个人都试着睡觉可是很难,因为恶劣的马路和吵闹的车笛声。敏就开始她的幻想了。珍和道坐在我们的前面。敏、旸和我坐在最后一排。敏就把她的脚拿到前座位的后面,然后开始幻想她把她的脚摸到珍的头发,而珍就会以为是道在抚摸她。然后还有很多... 我们仨坐在后面的就一直笑,然后搞到很high很high。旸就开始自high。哈哈哈...
Mei's imagination is so damn good. On the way to Nha Trang and we were in the Van... all of us is trying to sleep but can't because of the road condition and honning sound along the way. Mei start to imagine. Amanda and Dao sit in front uf us. Mei, Ryan and me sit the last row in the van. Mei take up her legs and put behind of the chair sits, then start imagine if she used her feet to touch Amanda's hair then Amanda will thought it was Dao hands... and a lot more... 3 of us at the back keep on laugh and high ourselves. Ryan keep on gets high... hahaha...
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