一路上摇摇晃晃的,整晚想要睡觉也睡不好。早上六点多我们终于到达目的地--Nha Trang。我们先check-in旅店,把行李都放在酒店。然后,我们就到一间小店去吃早餐。早餐是鱼面,它的鱼片很特别,有一种很独特的味道。
Day 3:
The van was swing all the way to Nha Trang, can’t even sleep soundly. We reach there around 6 in the morning. We check-in first into hotel, put our luggage in there. Then, we went to a small shop for our breakfast. It was fish noodles, the taste was very special, consider a nice food.

the hotel we stayed-- in green colour

Bao Long Hotel

the room- 4 people suit

the sauce... it's smelly...
something like cincalok in malacca

vegetable and vegetable

the fish noodles

side dish... it was flour with prawn inside... delicious!

guess what is this???
早餐后,我们就到Po Nagar庙在那里逗留一阵子,走走看看拍拍照。那里的天气真得很热,从庙堂走出来就马上买椰水喝。越南人真奇怪,都不太爱和椰水。而我们这5个马来西亚人,走到哪就喝椰水。
After our breakfast, we went to Po Nagar which is a temple. We stayed there for some pictures and walked around. The weather there were so hot, we drank coconut drinks right after we came out from the temple. Vietnamese quite weird because they don’t like coconut juice very much. Unlike this 5 Malaysian, keep asking for coconut no matter where we went.

Thap Thien-Y Thanh Mau

along the steps

view from the top

without me

thanh(kaka) and me

from left: dao, amanda, me, mei, zaiyang

the stairs they use in olden days

have a Malaysian group picture... hahaha

big hug

me, mei, amanda

after came out from the temple
在Nha Trang最重要的就是去泡温泉!天气那么热我们还跑去泡温泉,差一点就中暑了。在那里我们也玩得很开心,一直笑一直笑,小小的一件事也可以让我们笑上很久。我们还去做泥灰spa。
The most important place in Nha Trang was the spring hot bath. The weather was so hot and we still go for hot bath, quite crazy. We were very happy at there; keep on laughing and playing around. A little thing could make us laugh for a long time. We even go for mud spa.

the only picture during mud bath... we didn't bring in our camera.
it was taken by the center photographer and we need to pay!
after mud bath and hot spring bath!

me and ryan


After hot bath I felt so comfortable, I think my blood circulate very well, my cheek was red. We went to a small restaurant for our lunch. I didn’t though that I would eat paddy frog there. You just can’t blame me. I never tried before and my parent didn’t bring me eat that before. The food at the restaurant was delicious, and we ate rice at last. We didn’t eat rice for a few days. We ate all the side dishes and famous Vietnamese food or noodles but not rice.


i don't know what it this.
it was something like salad, eat before other dished arrived.



for me taste like muar rojak. hahaha...

jiang jiang jiang jiang........
paddy frog!!

this is not beer!
this is tea. tea in vietnam is free! everywhere free tea!
After lunch we went back to hotel for some rest. I think everyone was tired because all of us can’t sleep well last night on the van. Take a shower and want to take a nap. Then something happened. Mei suddenly shouted from the balcony saying she lost her jeans. Then I walk to the balcony and asked her what happened. She says her jean was blow by the wind. It was drop on top of the roof of a shop beside our hotel. Ryan and me faster took our camera and take down the picture. Amanda and her boyfriend were sleeping. They can sleep anywhere anytime. I salute them.

While I taking the picture a wind blow again and the jean was moved by the wind, luckily it just moved a little bit. The jean was drop right beside the balcony of Vu’s room, he could just climb to the roof and take Mei’s jean. I tell Mei go and call Vu to help her take her jean. She says we might disturb Vu and his friends resting. I say if she still don’t want to take it, her jean might blew away by the wind very soon. Then we all quickly walk down and ask Vu for his help.

We ahead to Vinpearl Island by cable car around 4 P.M. Vinpearl Island is like a theme park, just like Genting Highland, there were indoor and outdoor games. We didn’t play all of the games, just a few. I felt quite a waste for the entrance ticket, it’s not cheap either. We were very happy though, as we go together with friends.

cable car to Vinpearl Land

the view in cable car

mei and me-- in cable car


amanda and her boyfriend

in cable car before we reach there

entry card

Vinpearl Land!

can't remember the name of this game

first game we played

lonely...i was forced to sit alone~~
the people there doesn't queue-up and wait for their turn.
they just rush into the playground right after the gate was open...
it was way too scary...

safely return to earth!
we hand over our bags and camera to amanda and her boyfriend as they don't want to play this game and this happened.........

they were cam-whore-ing!!
indorr games

can't believe mei won everyone in this game and she never play this before!!!

ride horse

after indoor game

we play this!

ryan felt dizzy after we played this game so he refuse to play pirate boat

4 of us while the boat is still swing... hahaha

mei felt she want to vomit after we came down from the pirate boat...
haha... luckily nothing come out...
then we take cable back to the mainland and had our dinner

Vu bought us eat seafood as dinner! The seafood there was so fresh and cheap! It only costs us RM100 plus for 11 people. It’s so damn cheap! In local it costs about RM100 already for only 3 people, with 1 fish and 2 crabs. At there we ate 2 ways cooking of prawns, crabs, and fish, snails, popiah, and a very big bowl of seafood porridge. After dinner we went back to hotel and guess what? We rent double bicycle and cycle till the seaside. It was so fun. We can’t stable the double bicycle at first at we don’t use to it. After a few try, it was so fun.

while waiting for the food


vegetable again! i am so scared of it!


prawn #1

prawn #2

'cook' in lemon juice

crab #1

MINE!!! hahaha

crab #2


spring roll

green vegetable

start and eat!
ahahahaha... i am so damn fat!

mei and ryan

she enjoy so much

amanda was so du lan cause she sit beside the driver again! haha

back to hotel

double bicycle

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