i look so slim from the back... hahaha
wonder why amanda took so many of my back picture... my face can't see???

Day 4:
This morning, after check-out then we went to have out breakfast. Today’s breakfast is so delicious, we have France bread with beef, and also coffee. We tasted some special drink—orange coffee; it has coffee smell but taste sour like the orange juice.

coffee+orange juice

my lovely coffee



beef noodle

beef stik

After breakfast we go to the sea, sit a boat and go to the National Oceanographic Museum of Vietnam. We were at there for a while, and then we go off the sea again. Vu says wants to bring us to see bird nest, but when we were there we only saw a cave, not even a little bird. We all say Vu cheated us, and then he explains this was the first time we came to here and he also doesn’t know. Actually is the local government banned people to go into the cave, so we can’t see the real bird nest.


bird nest??? no bird also!
船长就把船开到另一个海岛,他说那里可以看珊瑚和鱼儿。怎么知道我们下水后,根本就没什么好看的。鱼儿不多也不漂亮,而珊瑚都已经死亡了,全后黑黑的,没有色彩了。Vu说可能是因为太多人来这里旅游了,导致污染,这些珊瑚才会被破坏的。我发而觉得是我们上错船了,那船长应该是不知道那里才能潜水吧!Nha Trang应该是一个很美很美的地方…
The boat driver brought us to another island; he says we can see coral and beautiful fish there. But when we were in the water, there were nothing at all. The fish in not beautiful either, and the coral was dead, and it was in black colour. Vu says maybe too many tourists came over here and it destroyed the nature beauty of the sea. In my opinion, we came to the wrong place and the wrong boat, the boat driver don’t know the spot for snooker and divers. Nha Trang supposes to be a very beautiful place…
Then we went to an island for rest. The island doesn’t have a wide beach, but it was beautiful. Even the beach was small but there were a lot of boat stop there, and keep on putting out the smelly, dirty monodioxide. I think the island will be polluted very soon. Something very weird were we had to pay for the entrance fee before we go into the island, and we also have to pay for the chair we sit on. Vietnamese really know hot to earn money. I rest there for quite a long time, and we had our lunch that we bought this morning there.


under a big big tree

the chair we rest on and need to pay!!!

mei's legs... hahaha

guess what??
our lunch

After lunch we walk around at the beach, but the sun was too hot. I think I get sunburn there. After that we go back to the mainland and check-in to our new hotel. Amanda was not feeling very well as she had diarrhoea. After shower we take a nap. It was 6 when we woke up, but Vu didn’t inform us about the plan at night. Amanda and her boyfriend were still sleeping. Just in that time, Mei and Ryan work up too. Mei says she can’t sleep well but Ryan slept like a pig. Haha...

they played it so dangerously...
not much space for them to run and fly up and guess how they land?
just pop into the sea water...

cute babe

dead?? hahaha
along the way back to mainland

there were one of the boat which tourists inside...
they served them fruitssss.... why don't we? huhu

he smile when we trying to take the picture of him... how nice...

2 stars hotel

this was behind of our hotel room's door.
don't understand what it was saying but i know 'cam on' then last 2 words.
it means 'thank you'! *proud*:)
It was bored, and Mei suggests we go and do manicure. I agree, as it was cheap. Ryan wants to follow us so we go out together. Their manicure isn’t like here; they just put up the nail colour for you. No wonder was just RM4. Felt like cheated but fine for me, it was just RM 4. Mei was now very happy and keeps complaining about the manicure. Ryan says it’s easy to earn my money but not Mei’s money.

Nha Trang traffic surely better then Ho Chi Minh

into the shop

i have the manicure first. i choose white colour

i like my hair!!! haha

then mei has hers

showing off in hotel room... haha
Then we go back to out hotel again, and Vu not yet plan to bring us for dinner. All of us were so hungry and that time was nearly 8 o’clock. I phone to Vu’s room and ask him any plan for our dinner. He asked us to prepare and we are going to have our dinner very soon.
我们竟然一起骑电单车出去,当然是那些越南人载马来西亚人。哈哈!还好在Nha Trang的交通并没有像Ho Chi Minh那么恐怖。当时还下起毛毛雨,感觉很爽快。我们的晚餐竟然在路边摊,这是我们渴望很久的事了。每次我们提议要向当地人在路边蹲着吃,Vu就会第一个反对。他是当地人,当地人都已经不敢在路边吃更何况是我们。今天我们吃糯米饭。他们的糯米可是有很多的选择。不同的颜色、配料、种类等。有橙色的、有红豆的、有绿豆的、有江鱼子的等等。晚餐后,Vu还去买了玉蜀黍和花生,而我们大伙儿在海边吃。玉蜀黍没那么好吃,太硬太干了。花生就很好吃。
Just can’t believe that we ride motorcycle out, of course were the Vietnamese take Malaysian. Haha… luckily the traffic in Nha Trang was not as horrible as Ho Chi Minh. It was having little rain that time and it feels so good. We had dinner by the roadside, which we hope for very long. When we suggest we went to eat roadside like the local Vietnamese then Vu will be the first to make objection. He is the local people and he doesn’t dare to eat beside the road. Today we eat sticky rice. There were so many choices. Different colours, ingredient, and types. There were orange colour, red beans, green beans, and little fish and so on. After dinner, Vu bought corn and peanut and we eat it near the seaside. The corn was way too dry and hard but the peanut was nice!
before taking off

forget what's mei doing...hehehe

showing off my fingers... it's ryan back! haha



with helmet

Vu's girlfriend, Nga ride me!


oil station! can you believe this?
they also have the bigger petrol station like us but they have more roadside oil station...
they can get a little earning by selling petrol...

the roadside shop we eating...

see how mei sit the chair... hahaha
the legs of the chair bent...

various sticky rice

read bean sticky rice

orange colour

other ingredient

the chef! nah~~~ just kidding... ahaha

with the small fish

don't ask me the name of all these food... i totally don't have any idea... haha
corn and peanut

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