Begin of my trip in
One day before the trip, I went to Mei's house to stay there overnight as my flight was early in the morning. I stay there so that I don't need to travel very early in the morning to be at the airport.
Day 1:
Mei and I wake up around 5.30 in the morning. Our flight was 0905 so we have to arrive in the airport 2 hours earlier. We meet Zai Yang there. Checked in out luggage and had breakfast there before boarding in. 2 hours flight to

KLIA airport

view from the plane

leaving Malaysia...on the way to Vietnam

indian toast

apple toast--i ate this!

that is a guy...omg...
his hair is longer then mine.
We reach Ho Chi Minh City at 10 something local time. Then just right after we took our luggage, Vu phone me and I told him we arrived. He says we will saw him at the arrival exit.
reached Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tan Son Nhat Airport!
The people there was so many and jammed. So hard to find Vu and then we saw someone was jumping and waving to us. That was Vu... it was so funny. His dad came and fetches us as he lost his driving license.
the crowd at the airport
Jump on his car and his dad drove back to his house. Along the journey, three of us keep on having surprise and we totally have cultural shock. The traffic was so jammed and scary. There were more motorcycle then car. The road was so narrow and only can fit one car. But the motorcycles just ignore then cars. Sound of hons just keep on honing nonstop, the motorcycle just ignore and keep moving. Not like over our country, some people dead because of honing other people.
Vu and his dad
Car and motorcycle can move co closely and nothing happened. Three of us were like 'omg!', 'be careful!', 'oowww', 'hey!', 'so near!', and there were lots of roundabout. They even ignore the traffic lights. When it turns red, they still keep moving. We took 1 hour plus journey to reach Vu's house due to the traffic.
Ho Chi Minh City
crazy situation...
people just cross the road like that
sit beside the road and have some coffee
Then we safely arrived at Vu's house. It was totally not as I expect. Due to huge numbers of people and limited places, their house was like a square then build right up. It was like a rectangle building but not very tall.
Vu's house

from the inside

beside his house is a snooker center
在他的家他给我们品尝了当地的水果。真得很好吃,又大又香又甜的。我们的第一个在越南的午餐就在Vu的 家解决。他们吃的食物也大概像中餐,只是他们的食物都很好吃。我们一面吃,一面被他的父母笑。我们吃的样子太好笑了。因为很多事物都很想我们品是吃的,可 是很意外的他们煮得比我们好吃。那些肉啊、鱼啊、汤啊等,都那么的好吃。还有脆脆的饭,真得很特别。我们吃得忘记拍下那些事务了。
They served us lots of fruits when we reached Vu's house. It was so nice. Bigger and nicer compared to our local fruits. We all had our first lunch in
午 餐后,我们就到一些旅游胜地比如像古芝地道。那里是我很想去的地方,因为我看过一些有过那各地道的文章。那个地倒也有点恐怖。我们都会想起战争时发生的 事。地道里很暗,而且有那些蜡人,显得更加恐怖。我们还被那些蜡人下上好几次。从一个地道到另一个地道是黑暗的,当抵达另一个地倒是突然看到那些‘人’, 真得很恐怖。又阴又暗的。
After lunch, we went to some famous places in Ho Chi Minh such as Cu Chi Tunnel. It was what the place I wanted to go as is read and saw some article about the tunnel before. The tunnel was quite scary as we go down. When we think back what's happened there and about the wars, we all suddenly felt so scary. There were fake people inside the tunnel. The tunnel was totally dark and when we flash the light and saw the fake people, it was like....... ghost?
This was funny…
Me, mei: yeah!! sure!!
Ryan: use your BIG camera!
Vu: shit!!!
Me: what happened?
Vu: no battery!!
Me, mei ryan: hahahahahaha….
Vu: I’m sure I charge it yesterday! Shit! Why no battery??
Ryan: never mind! Use our SMALL camera…
Me, mei: hahahahaha….
Vu: f***
Me: cool down… hahaha
Cu Chi
in the past

trap for enemies

where they hide when shooting

and pigs everywhere

olden days house

the kitchen

olden days activities

along the village

the school

the market
我们在那个地道呆上不久,都是那个导游的关系。他只是带我们参观那些地方,也没特别的解释那些细节。他就那样叫我们进去地道,也没带领我们。还得我很担心我 们会迷路。地道里又有分叉,我们有没有手电筒。那个死鬼导游好像赶去头胎是的,走得又快,我们还一直赶不上。古芝是个很好的地方,可是那个导游就可以免 了。感觉上我好像只是到古芝的一小部分,根本不像我读过的文章写得那样。一定是那个导游偷工减料!他赶着要下班。好想再去多一次啊!
We were in the tunnel for a very short time as our tour guide was so damn. He just brings us here and there and didn't explain anything. He also just call us go into the tunnel without guide us. There were few ways to go when we were in the tunnel and we don’t have torch light. I was so scared if we went into the wrong tunnel. The damn tour guide was so damn and he was just rushing inside the jungle. He was so far ahead of us and we have to chase him. Overall the place was so great but we just don't have more time for pictures and enjoy in the jungle and tunnel...DUE TO THE STUPID TOUR GUIDE. He was rushing for finishing his shift. Damn him. I would like to go there again.
go down the stair

into the tunnel

the hospital


mei mei



until a tunnel they served us tea and some food

with this scary oil lamp

after come out from the tunnel... we are alive!
After that we went to a temple, we were stopped to go inside the main temple as Mei wears short. So we just walk around the temple. Inside the main temple were the names of heroes who defend in the war. We just walk around the temple and look at the imposing monumental picture around the temple. After that we went back to Vu's house for resting and shower.
the temple we visited
symbol of the national spiritual soul
we can't go in so just a picture along the temple
in the car along way back to vu's house... peanuts cookies? not very sure... haha
we saw a giant truck trying to reverse... stuck there for quite some time... i realised that Vietnamese people don't have patiences and hospitality...
晚餐来临了。他们一家人想带我们到高级的餐厅去享用晚餐,可是那间餐厅爆满,我们只好到另外一间去吃晚餐。那里的食物也很好很好吃。我们一面吃,一面说珍错 过了这一餐和在胡志明的第一天。我们吃得很饱很饱时,还以为我们吃完了,那些服务员也收掉了那些碗盘。怎么知道一晚很大碗的面端到我们的面前来,而我们之 前吃的只是前菜,那碗面才是主菜。我的天…
Then dinner comes. They brought us to some higher class restaurant for dinner. We went to the first restaurant but it was full. So they change their plan and brought us to another restaurant which was middle class restaurant. The food was so great. While we ate, we keep on saying Amanda missed these nice food. There were full of surprise with the food and the food was so delicious. After we were so full and we thought we had reached the end, suddenly a big bowl of noodles came it. what we ate before this was just the side dished. The noodles were the main course. Omg...
vu's bro... cute little boy.
he study in international school so his english is much more better then vu...
even better then me!
and and... very talkative! hahaha...
chuc quy khanch ngo mieng-- the restaurant we went
spring roll
this ain't the same as previous one...
deep in different sause
some sort like satay
they like to eat vegetable fresh
a lot food that i don't know it's name
look like phonics
it's dragon fruit!
after all we ate before this... here come the real dish!
add some banana flower
big piece of meat!!! can't get in Malaysia
see how big it was! bigger then mei's mouth!

we walk until this saigon center... there were a lot of branded shops nearby...