Today was the last day of my working days. Everything went smoothly.

Tr.Lai specially made a meal for me. Other teachers say they get this good treatment all because of me. Total of 4 dishes and 1 soup, which are prawns, chicken, vegetable and kerabu. Tr.Azzizah specially made one cake for me. For me, this meal is very luxuries. I don’t think the teacher that work there for so many years would have a meal like that before.
上课星期开始 Tr.Cherrie就开始一直说不知到时我离开了她怎么办。她是那间学校唯一一个华文老师。我们学校每天早上都要给小孩子读字卡,每个小孩都有一套的。 我没去之前她每天都没有时间让全部的小孩子读字卡。我去了之后,可以说是帮上她很多的忙,也减轻她的负担。
Since last week Tr.Cheerie keep on saying what would be if I were gone. She was the only Chinese teacher in that school. Every morning we have to flash Chinese card to the kids, each of them will have one set of the Chinese reading card. Before I was there, she hardly has the time to flash to all of the kids. After I was there, I helped her a lot, and lessen her burden.

In my school we have after school day care. Kids from standard 1 to 6 will come here after class, then we provide lunch and let them bath. We as teacher then have to guide them to do their homework. As we all know, Chinese school usually have tons of homework. Their homework can reach until more then 10 per day. Standard 1 student usually does their homework very slow and teacher has to sit with them and do together with them, some more look after one by one.
我去的时候是教到他们做功课,可以说很多学生都喜欢我教。不是我要夸我自己。他们都回来跟我说:“Tr.Melissa,教我做功课。” Tr.Cherrie也是这样对着那些学生才会做功课,所以很自然的我也帮了她很多。她之前也一直说,到时我离开了她就要变得很辛苦了。
When I went there I teach them homework, but a lot student like me to teach. Not saying that I am praising myself. But the student will come and say to me: “Tr.Melissa, can you guide me do homework?” Tr. Cherrie also guide them do homework, so I also consider helped her a lot. She keeps on saying when I leaved then she will be very stressful.
Tr.Pearly也是这么说。今天她说我走了之后她就要辛苦了。我也很奇怪她辛苦什么,因为平时她就只是检查那些学生的功课,也没有像我和 Tr.Cherrie那样对着小孩做功课。我就问她我来之前是怎样的情况。她就说一样咯,她就会对着那些小孩做功课,也要检查学生的功课。
Tr.Pearly also says so. Today she says when I leaved she will be more burden. I also quite surprise she says so, usually she only check the children homework, not like Tr.Cherrie and me have to guide then kids. Then I asked her how was the situations before I came. Then she says same as now, she also have to guide the kids and also check their homework.

People should know that teacher is hard to be, especially standard one student, they do their homework very slow and make a lot of mistake. We have to guide them do their homework, if there were cooperative and listen to what you told them, some they keep on ignore and need me to scold and shout only they will do the homework. If you treat them good and talk nicely to them, they will just fooling with me and show no respect. Sometimes the parents will also complain about us, when their kids did something wrong or have mistake in their homework, they will blame the teacher.
About me friend that worked there, Tr,Tiu, the teacher there like not very appreciate her work. Every time when the teachers praise me then I will answer she also helped a lot. When I leaved then she could take over my place. But the teachers didn’t say anything. Maybe they too look upon me. Got once when I teach the children doing their homework, and of course I am strict, then her reaction was “do you need to be so fierce?” reaction. But I didn’t say anything. Is not that I need or no need? She didn’t guide the student before so she will not know the situation. Until got once she goes and teaches kids homework, but she can’t control them and was fool by the kids. Since then she never go and teach the children voluntary, but only check their homework.
The relationship between me and my friend is not as bad as I imagine, seem like become better. Sometimes I feel like we were close friends and sometimes we were like strangers. Only today I knew she had a boyfriend, but who she wouldn’t tell.

Tr.Lai还特别包一封红包给我,求一个好意头。我推了好几次,上个星期她就这么说会包一封红包个给我,我已经拒绝了,可是她硬塞给我,我也不是很会推辞的那种人,最后是收下了。我是明白她的心意所以收下。她还一直一直叫我要是我有放假就去帮她,一个月也好,多久都好。上个星期她们老师一团上金马伦时,Tr.Lai也买了满多东西给我,2条玉蜀黍、2颗柳丁和一包小番茄。很多吗?多的是心意,她也大可像别的老师买一个钥匙圈给我,或完全什么都没买,可是她就是有那一份心给我一些比较实际的东西。Tr.Cherrie和Tr.Pearly都给我钥匙圈,Tr.Evi和Tr Azzizah就完完全全忘记我。呵呵!最后Tr.Evi给我一粒那里买的糖而Tr Azzizah就拿了几颗草莓给我和Tr.Tiu公私。
Tr.Lai specially gives me an ang pau, for prosperity. I push away for a few times, last week she already says she wants to give me an ang pau, I push away but she insists of giving me. I accept it as I understand her sincerity. She also keeps on ask me to work part time there if I have long holidays, no matter how long. Last week she went to Cameron highland with teachers for a trip. She bought me quite a few things, 2 fresh corn, 2 oranges and 1 pack of small tomatoes. It’s a lot? Thing that is much was the heart to buy for me something. She can be like other teachers which bought me a simple keychain or just totally forget about me; instead she bought me something that is worth. Tr. Cherrie and Tr.Pearly bought me a keychain, Tr,Evi and Tr.Azzizah totally forget bout me. Haha… but Tr.Evi give me a sweet bought from Cameron highland and Tr.Azzizah give me and Tr.Tiu some strawberry to share.
I told my student that today will be the last day I teach them, but they all don’t believe me, say I kidding with them, and I will still at there tomorrow when they were here.

I still miss my Malim student, as I worked there for nearly half a year, and some of the kids ware like my own kids. But I leaved earlier was nothing bad. (Due to some reason, I will post it later)
p/s: Tr,Tiu asked me will I feel sad upon my leaving? I answered her still ok. Maybe everything was expected, I already knew I will leaved one say before I start working, so everything was still ok. Not very sad, also not very happy.

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