I think this is the first time I review MIVVA box so fast! Fresh from my mailbox!! I got the box today and I am going to blog it. So sorry I will be the spoiler! Cause I am having holidays and I am just too free!

My MIVVA box subscription suppose to end last month. After seeing their newsletter, there will be more surprise coming ahead. So I did consider for a few days, then I decided to subscribe another 3 months. Because I am still a student, to spent my parent's money on this really felt bad. But I got income from The Malaysia Street, RM 100 for 2 months, so by right, I am using my own money! So I only subscribed 3 months despite the MIVVA point is higher for 6 months subscription.

Last review for MIVVA beauty box May 2013, I had predicted that they might give hair dye product and also blusher or eye shadow. I AM TOTALLY RIGHT!!! This month box is very simple. There is no extra brochure or discount voucher, no extra product info. Only a welcome care and product description, in 1 paper, printer front and back.

This month they have ALL FULL SIZE product! No sample size or travel size product!!

Product included:
Skin79 Mini Rose Lip Gloss (FULL SIZE)
Liese Bubble Hair Colour (FULL SIZE)
Beautymate Black Pearl & Calendula Officinalis Whitening Nano Mask (FULL SIZE)
Enuca Eye Essential Quad (FULL SIZE)
Skin79 Mini Rose Lip Gloss
RM 16.90 for 1.1g
This is so sweet and cute. Very small, you can see it from the photo. There is a chain where you can make it as your key chain or attach it on your bag or purse! So convenience as there is a mirror in it. You can apply it when you are on the rush or when you're in the car.

The Skin 79 mini lip gloss colour is not as red as what we see. It is actually just a glossy look, so don't be afraid to try it on. It gives a very glossy but not shimmering after apply on the lips. I love the lip gloss because there is no smell or flavor on it. I hate those who have lots of shimmer and also fruity smell type.

Liese Bubble Hair Colour
RM 38 per box
Well, this item was my prediction and few days ago, I saw a photo in MIVVA facebook page, not very clear and blur on purpose, yet I am able to see Liese bubble hair colour product in the MIVVA box!!! Honestly, I haven't dye my hair before. I am 25 years old this year and never in my mind I wanted to dye my hair. Not even after SPM like most of the people did. I don't know why. I guess I just prefer to have a black hair. Until........ Until I saw this product on MIVVA facebook page. I have the urge to try it myself. So I youtube for the steps and review from the customer days before I got the MIVVA box. I got Creamy Beige colour. I this it will suit me very well because it is not a very bright colour and suitable for first time hair dye user. I'll try it tomorrow and then I'll blog about it!

Beautymate Black Pearl & Calendula Officinalis Whitening Nano Mask
RM 49.90 for 7 pcs
Another Beautymate product! Well, I am sure I am going to have the whole range of beautymate product, except their cleanser. I am waiting for that! This month is a mask. It's roughly RM 7 for a piece. I always consider a mask as a full size. It will be totally suitable to use it together with the toner, serum and moiturizer. Honestly, I like beautymate product. I found my skin condition getting better and other people noticed it. They will ask something like: how come your skin look so good now?
The Beautymate mask is awesome use together with Beautymate Toner, Serum and Moisturizer! Like a complete set. The mask is very moist, full of moisture and actually can last more than 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, I use it on my neck, hand and also my leg.

Enuca Eye Essential Quad
RM 88
I haven't heard of this product before this. It's made in Italy. Well, this gave a good impression for the user. I also had predicted that MIVVA might give an eyeshadow but I never thought they will give a full size product, with 3 different colours of eyeshadow and a base in it! There is 3 different types of shade for this product: Amethyst, Sunset and Smokey. I got the Smokey one and I totally like it. They had a youtube channel and lucky me, they have a video tutorial on how to apply the eyeshadow using this Smokey shade. I am not the eyeshadow type of person cause I always messed it up and feel weird after I apply it. I will give another try for this smokey eye look!

That's it for this month product! Oh wait! I think everyone get a MIVVA face chart. If you wonder what it is, don't worry! MIVVA will have a tutorial to guide you how to use the face charts to craft out the perfect make up. I think there will be a contest soon!

I actually subscribed another box for my friend, Evelyn. I wonder how will she react when she received this. I am sure she will love ALL the product. Everything is like just meant for her! She love eye shadow make up and always hunt and want to buy it. She love cute stuff so the lip gloss will be perfect for her. Maybe she need some touch up for her hair colour so the Liese bubble hair product arrived right in time. I actually hope the got the Raspberry brown. Suit her more. Lastly the mask? I am sure she will like it too!
This month products are the best! FOUR full size products! I love the Liese bubble hair colour the most. Not that I can't buy it in any drugstore outlet, but it is special for me because it just going to be the first time I use it on my first hair dye and a reason for me to dye hair. Who will ever thought of giving hair dye in a beauty box?! I think only MIVVA team will! 'C O L O U R I F I C' just sound right for this month's products, from hair, then eyes, lips and lastly whole face! I love that MIVVA now start to go into make up product rather than skincare product now! This month's product worth more than RM 150!!! Such a bit A+ for MIVVA team! Just like what I say above, it seem like everything is meant for me! I haven't tried out any bother beauty box or bag, but based on other blogger review and comment, I definitely think MIVVA is the best! No regret that I subscribed for 3 more months. It kinda like a habit now that I keep wanting to received it every month!

If you want to subscribe a box for yourself or your bff
Go to this link : http://www.mivva.com/join/88b42e5001e9
Invitation code: DiscoverMIVVA
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/MIVVAcom
Have you ever wonder who is the team that create this wonderful MIVVA beauty box? How is the process of getting so much products into a beauty box and send it to customer? You may read this Special Features-Behind The Scene of MIVVA Beauty Box by Fiona, blogger of http://www.street-love.net/!
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