
Saturday, April 16, 2011

rainy day + coffee = happiness

It's rainy day on Saturday!!!

I remember I used to have a blog long time ago. And most of it was written in Chinese.
I always have a habit of having another copy of everything I'm having now.
But I did not actually save all the content of the blog and one day, it's disappear just like that.
I am not able to find back the page and even I type in URL it will be error.

As usual a blog need you to fill in the title, labels bla bla bla...
And we also need to fill in the weather, our own mood and we also can use different colours for front and background for each of the blog... It was so fun.
I guess I develop my blog interest there... and now everything is gone.
Honestly I think blogger is bored that's why I put lots of photo in between my blog...

Done crapping!

雨天 + 咖啡 = 幸福
rainy day + coffee = happiness

i'm going to buy this pair of heels! nice? i know it's nice!!

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